Thread: Chaos Overlords
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Old 06-01-2005, 03:10 PM   #9
Fidel Smith

Chaos Overlords is - as prooven on many LAN nights - the best roundbased strategic game ever made! You and your counterparts could do a lot of strategies and be cruel to each other on a way a Starcraft, C&C or an ordinary egoshooter could never provide.

Else there are very innovative modes to play in multiplayer. Espacily the "Eliminate" mode should be obligatory for every strategic LAN party... If you ever want to feel like a bloodthirsty headhunter seeking the right hands of your opponent, at the same time frightend to loose yours, you must play Caos Overlords. Timeless Good, like Chess...

So long, i like the smell of Monomrod sliced dog flesh in the morning...
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