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Old 10-03-2008, 01:58 AM   #5
Abandonia nerd
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Napheng, Lao People's Democratic
Posts: 50

Hmm, yes, a reference card would be nice, if anyone can get ahold of an original one and scan it for us.

EDIT: I found this at HOTU! Enjoy! :laugh:

                F-19 Stealth Fighter
                (C) Microprose 1988
                 Keyboard Controls

        NOTE! Stealth Fighter does not work with KEYBSU or KEYBSV keyboard
              driver. You will need to run KEYBUK to play game.

Control Stick
Pitch down                                      up-arrow
Roll right                                      right-arrow
Roll left                                       left-arrow
Pitch up                                        up-arrow
Down & right                                    Pgup-key
Down & left                                     Home-key
Up & right                                      PgDn-key
Up & left                                       End-key
Adjust stick sensitivity                        Ins-key
  (tiny, small and medium stick movement)
Maximum stick movement                          fast double-press of the key
Max Pwr (maximum power)                         Shift and '+=' key
Incr (increase throttle)                        '=' key
Decr (decrease throttle)                        '-' key
No pwr (no power)                               Shift and '-_' key
Other flight controls
Gear (landing gear toggle)                      '6' key (on main keyboard)
Flaps (extend/retract toggle)                   '9' key (on main keyboard)
Brakes (on/off toggle)                          '0' key (on main keyboard)
Autopilot (on/off toggle)                       '7' key (on main keyboard)
Accel (accelerated) time                        Shift and 'Z' key
Norm (normal) time                              Shift and 'X' key
Out-of-plane Viewing
Slot view                                       Shift and 'F1' key
Chase plane                                     Shift and 'F2' key
Side view                                       Shift and 'F3' key
Missile view                                    Shift and 'F4' key
Tacti view (you & enemy)                        Shift and 'F5' key
Invrs tacti (enemy & you)                       Shift and 'F6' key
Out-of-Cockpit Viewing
View ahead                                      Shift and '?/' key
View rear                                       Shift and '>.' key
View left                                       Shift and '<.' key
View right                                      Shift and 'M' key
Other view keys
Zoom (view or map)                              'z' key
UnZoom (view or map)                            'x' key
View angle (narrow or wide)                     'c' key
Cockpit Controls
Cockpit view                                    'F1' key
HUD Modes (switches between three modes)        'F2' key
CRT Maps (toggles left-side CRT)                'F3' key
Data (on right side CRT)                        'F4' key
Ordnance (on right side CRT)                    'F5' key
System Damage (on right side CRT)               'F6' key
ILS (on/off the HUD)                            'F9' key
Mission (on right-side CRT)                     'F10' key
Eject (bail out)                                Shift and 'F10' key
INS (Inertial Navigation System)
Select Way Point (on right-side CRT)            'F7' key
Change Way Point (on both CRTs)                 'F8' key
Reset Way Point (all)                           Shift and 'F8' key
Select/change Previous waypoint                 Shift and 'PgUp' key
Select/change Next waypoint                     Shift and 'PgDn' key
Move Waypoint Up (changing pt)                  Shift up-arrow key
Move Waypoint Down (changing pt)                Shift down-arrow key
Move Waypoint Left (changing pt)                Shift left-arrow key
Move Waypoint Right (changing pt)               Shift right-arrow key
Tracking Camera (appears on right-side cockpit CRT)
Cam Ahead                                       '/' key
Cam Rear                                        '.' key
Cam Left                                        'm' key
Cam Right                                       ',' key
Select Target (in current view arc)             'b' key
Designate New Target (ahead only)               'n' key
Ordnance (on right-side CRT)                    'F5' key
Select Ordnance                                 space bar
Bay Doors (toggles open/closed)                 '8' key (on main keyboard)
Fire Ordnance                                   return key
Fire Cannon                                     backspace key
Flare (drop one cartridge)                      '1' key (on main keyboard)
Chaff (drop one cartridge)                      '2' key (on main keyboard)
IR Jammer (toggles on/off)                      '3' key (on main keyboard)
ECM (radar jammer on/off)                       '4' key (on main keyboard)
Decoy (drop one)                                '5' key (on main keyboard)
Simulation Controls
Pause (press any key to un-pause)               Alt and 'p' key
"Boss" (hides simulation)                       Alt and 'b' key
Quit (return to DOS)                            Alt and 'q' key
Resupply (training only)                        Alt and 'r' key
Change mission to training                      Alt and 't' key
Night/day (training only)                       Alt and 'n' key
Keyboard Control Stick Adjust                   'Ins' key
  kybd sensitivity 3 = keypress causes large stick movement
  kybd sensitivity 2 = keypress causes moderate stick movement
  kybd sensitivity 1 = keypress causes small stick movement
  note: double-press causes maximum stick movement
Volume Adjust (4 sound levels)
  sound level 3 = all sounds
  sound level 2 = all sounds except engine background noise (default)
  sound level 1 = firing and explosions only (no warning sounds)
  sound level 0 = no sound
Detail Adjust (3 levels)
  detail level 2 = exceptional detail (fast AT and 386 computers)(default)
  detail level 1 = moderate detail (average AT computers)
  detail level 0 = limited detail (PC and XT computers)
Slew Controls (4 directions) Training only
  slew north                                    Alt and 'i' key
  slew west                                     Alt and 'j' key
  slew south                                    Alt and 'k' key
  slew east                                     Alt and 'l' key
Notes on Simulation Controls

        Change Mission to Training (Alt and 't' key): Tapping this key
  converts your current mission into a training mission. This means that
  henceforth enemy weapons do no damage. Tapping Alt 't' again exits
        Once a mission is converted to training you cannot score any points
  for it, even if you toggle training off again. However, the slew controls
  and resupply key only function when training is active.

        Keyboard Control Stick Adjust ('Ins' key): This regulates the
  amount of control stick movement a keypress causes. We recommend you use
  this key frequently while flying, and always set the sensitivity to "1"
  on your final approach to landing.

        Detail Adjust (Alt and 'd' key): The level of detail affects the
  game's speed.

        Slew (Alt and 'i'j'k'l' keys): These keys function _only_ in
  training. Tapping the key "teleports" your aircraft in that direction.
  The distance you're teleported varies with the current Zoom/UnZoom scale
  of the satellite/radar map. Slew is an excellent way to check out the
  region while trainig.


Last edited by ShadowBlade; 10-03-2008 at 02:01 AM.
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