Thread: Pharaoh
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Old 06-02-2015, 10:57 PM   #12
Default Day of the Pharaoh solution/walkthrough

(quite short, but I think it's the only one on the web)

One of the hardest goods to get is wood, because it's available only at far north and your ship can carry only one unit at a time. So, place your first store at north.
Also, later you'll need huge quantities of two types of stone (i think names were limestone and granite) for the buildings, and it would take a lifetime to carry them with ships; but if you have stores directly in cities that produces them, you can get them quickly enough, you still need the ship there but it doesn't have to travel.
So, place your first store in a city that also produces one of the stone types. I chose Tanis.

Make money by trading gold. Buy gold at south and sell it at north whenever you need money. Don't go to Somalia or you'll be blocked by a bug.

Save often when an imminent invasion has been announced, and reload when you lose chariots. Even if you play battles perfectly, it can't be avoided sometimes.

Camel racing becomes impossible to win after the first few wins, however racing is not necessary at all.
Building many ships isn't useful as well; moving two ships takes the same time as moving one ship twice. Just have a few ships in important places.

Keep raising your rank by marrying brides of high rank (you can recognize them by the jewels), winning battles and creating monumental buildings. To build buildings in a decent time you'll need a second store and ship in a city that produces the other type of stone. Avoid the palace, too expensive, go for the pyramid.

Not sure if offering to the gods also helps; I read that also building the pyramid is not necessary to win, however I won when I did it.
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