Thread: TienKhoaNguyen
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Old 26-10-2017, 12:05 AM   #669

Join Date: Oct 2016
Posts: 833
Smile Thank you Jesus Christ!

Just something to think about.

I was raised strict Buddhist and Catholic however now in my later years I have centered my thoughts into pure Christian. I believe hold back love until you are ready to settle down with your soulmate. So I think it is a sin to watch any form of nudity. The only time you are allowed to be exposed to nudity is when you are with your soulmate for 1 kid each time of love.

In these present ages I see so many things wrong. People are accustomed to cursing and exposing their bodies and flesh. The old times were better in my opinion.

It is expected that as each partner gets closer that they expose themselves more to each other. However the internet makes it easy to see strangers doing it. That is so sad!

If I had a wish to Jesus Christ it would be that through a miracle me and my soulmate meet and are faithful to each other forever!

I see people use each other just for a one night stand. So sad!

I just wish to Jesus Christ there was like the time of Adam and Eve in The Garden of Eden where you know Eve definitely belongs to Adam! No other woman could be his match and it is for sure and proven by Jesus Christ#

So I am looking for my soulmate that is my exact match! I think I've found her however the problem for me now is how do I get to know her well enough to settle down and be happy? That is the miracle that needs to happen if such a soulmate and exact match exists.

I don't want just compatible. I want exact match. You know compatible leaves a little room for mistakes. An exact match is always in perfect agreement thanks to Jesus Christ#
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