Thread: Jurassic War
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Old 29-07-2013, 02:07 PM   #30

I used to play this game from the release date up to somewhere earlier this year (with some time off's ofcourse)
Eventhough the AI is lacking and pathfinding is terrible, its a great game for its time. Actually, compared to most games of that era, the AI wasnt so terrible at all. The pathfinding was though,lol.
The one thing that I loved about this game is the unit-building. This is what made me play it for years, I have always been a 'laid back' strategist; where a lot of players of strategic games want to get it over with, I can spend hours gatheirng a big army, even if it wasnt needed.
Obviously, this game was perfect for that. nothing more satisfying than seeing a warrior take down a t rex or a triceratops ravage a whole enemy camp. Getting mages to a max means they are invincible too.

Besides that, the campaigns werent a walk in the park either, even if you knew all the tips and tricks.
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