Thread: Deus Ex
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Old 23-04-2005, 05:58 PM   #7
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The best way to do it ammuntion-less is to take down all of the guard in the whole building (gas grenades are handy for this, as are tranquilier darts) and then push one of the barrels into the place with a safe, push the others to the other end of the floor and blow the single barrel up.

You can then hack the computer if that's your style (it's mine) or just push the barrels back and blow the generator up (unsubtle, but effective).

I really do recommend to everyone that Computer, Electronics and Lockpicking are their first choices, as it makes the game a whole lot quicker. The other skills come a lot quicker when you have these.

Oh and speed + thermotopic camo is just about the best combo when you get put into the *unknown location*. No spoilers for anyone who hasn't completed it.
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