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Old 20-04-2005, 01:47 PM   #1
Home Sweet Abandonia

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Now I'm pretty sure this has been brought up in some of the religion threads, but I'm not sure it was fully elaborated on, I hardly ever read the religious ones so forgive me if it has, and I'm only bringing this up as I had quite a big discussion about it with a friend.

So do you think one man(including women) can make a difference, do you think everything happens for a purpose, can one small descision altar the course of history?
Or do you think that the majority of us mean nothing, that we have no affect on the larger scale of things?

I believe that me personaly has no effect on the larger scale of things, that no matter what I do with my life the same thing will happen to the world. It wouldn't matter whether I decide to kill myself right this instant or whether I decide to live on and find someone to love and start a family. Sure depending on what I decide I could influence other peoples lives, but how can that effect the whole world, how can it change the course of history?

Let's say there is a person who can change the world, make a big impact on it(I will call him Jack), and lets say that there is someone(I will call her Jill) who was in my position of deciding whether to live or not to live. If Jill chooses to live on she could meet this Jack and influence his life in a way that will make him become insignifcant to the world, to not become that important person he could have been if Jill had decided to kill herself earlier. But there are many, many other people in the world, some think very similar to others and some think completely different. But what is stopping someone else(I will call him Pete) who thinks very similarly to Jack from doing a similar thing to what Jack would have done if Jill had decided to kill herself. Because Jill decided to live on she has changed Jacks life and his impact on the world, but has let Pete become that person that Jack could have been. In the long run Jill's decision to live or not to live has not made any impact on the world, the same thing would have happened whether she lived or died. Her life makes no impact on the world.

This is the way I see the world, I don't see my life as having an impact to what is going to happen, and I am perfectly happy with that, I'm just going to try and enjoy the life I have been given. And no I'm not going to kill myself, I'm to scared to take my life.
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