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Old 10-04-2005, 04:42 PM   #34
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Originally posted by Mardi-Gras@Apr 10 2005, 05:31 PM
I'd have to go for Java, for the reason of automatic garbage collection, which, as Aaberg mentioned, C++ doesn't cater for outside a runtime engine. On the downside, Java aint supporting hardware-accelerated graphics. (Well, excepting Java3D, but that isn't included with the Java runtime, and isn't cross-platform anyway). So C++ for games, just as long as someone else picks up the litter, and Java for fooling around.

As for HTML, all very nice and simple, but everytime I talk to someone about it, it always ends up in a rant about CSS vs tables vs frames loop, with people screaming at me "You cant assume your end user is JavaScript enabled! You can't presume your end user has a resolution above 800 by 600! They might not have Flash!"

Or maybe that's just me. :crazy:
I still don't understand why anyone wants Java, becouse of simplicity?
Well that won't save you from about 10 times slower code. IMO that is not acceptable. :not_ok:
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