Thread: 1869
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Old 14-03-2005, 12:16 PM   #14
Abandonia Homie
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Hildesheim, Germany
Posts: 628

Thanks very much for making the game available. I'm a bit stuck though. I've selected my home port, but I don't know if I've got a vessel, or how to sail to other ports. Is there a drop down menu somewhere, because at the moment all I can do is buy one load of goods from the home port trader.
1. right-click on your home port, a small menu appears

2. select the anchor, you'll get to the shipping company

3. ask for used ships, select the sailboat, pay for your boat, leave

4. when the ship has arrived (2 days later), go to the tavern (right-click on port, beerglass)

5. ask for an average crew, hire the men

Now you've got your first ship ready for departure. Buy some goods, sail the seas, earn MUCH money... LOL

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