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Old 28-02-2005, 01:25 PM   #1

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I have severe problems running Shadow Warrior on my XP SP2 system. woooowww...
Hold on before u start babbling @ "how xp's da worst os on earth 2 run DOS Games" n stuff. I am using VDM Sound - an extremely excellent DOS SoundBlaster emulator.

Guess what!!
Remember Duke Nukem 3D?? Well it runs smoothly using VDMSound and its basic VESA Emulation. But hell!
Shadow warrior uses DA SAME ENGINE but it runs verrry choppingly with sound effects and no VESA. {That's another thing that it runs fine wiyhout sounds, but what's da fun in dat??? ;-) }

Please give me suggestions.

I have PIV 1.7 GHZ, 256MB SDRAM [NOT DDR!!!], and on board 32 MB graphics muck called S3 GraphicsPro Savage. that means i have 224MB ram when my comp's runin.

Note: I do have DOSBox but since the documentation says dat the program requires a lot of resources and also i tried running Duke 3D and it did not run well.

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