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Old 20-02-2005, 06:03 AM   #44
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Kalamazoo, United States
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Death of Love

The forgotten sheets entwine around her limp body as she stares at the popcorn ceiling, wanting to see his face in the random chaos. She tries desperately to find the familiar musky scent on his abandoned pillow, and a tear crawls slowly down her cheek as she realizes that the only smell is that of her own cold sweat. The fan whirs endlessly above her head, only emphasizing the miserable chill created by the abscence of his heat.

A fleeting thought of death floats sickly to the surface of her mind, but it is numbly dismissed by reason. Love, which conquers all, could not bring him back. Death would certainly offer no real solution.

And so she silently waits for sleep to erase her anguished memories, hoping that her dreams would allow her to once more believe that love truly exists, if only in the depths of her own troubled soul.
It was hard to choose. But after i carefully read each essay, i had to make a decision.

I chose taikara

Something in her writing flowed in a way that made it easy to read and emotionally strong. I think its hard to find a good balance when writing. Her words lulled me. They were romantic words drenched in a tender and madening sadness. Though her writing was restrained to a limit size, she was still able to create an ambiance. For me a writing is entirely about the writers ability to craft a lot from so little.

"The fan whirs endlessly above her head, only emphasizing the miserable chill created by the abscence of his heat." phrases like these were the first to sell me. And even "And so she silently waits for sleep to erase her anguished memories," Beautifull.

Credits go to you taikara.
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