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Old 07-02-2005, 08:00 PM   #1
Abandonia Homie

Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Shella, Kenya
Posts: 710

I'm feeling less shy now, so I thought I'd ask:

What is the worst thing you have ever done?

What is the best thing you have ever done?

Answer whichever you want, or both

For me, the worst thing I have ever done is to convince a girl who had a crush on me to dye her hair blue because I was annoyed she wouldn't leave me alone. It looked so awful, she looked like she had dipped her head into a vat of smurf colored toilet water. It was all over her face and ears, too and wouldn't come off. I felt so bad afterwards, because she got kicked out of school.

The best thing? That's harder...

When my best friend was sick, I was supposed to go to a party that was supposed to be the most fun ever. Instead, I went to the drugstore to buy her medicine because she didn't have enough money, and spent the night taking care of her.
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