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Old 27-04-2024, 06:26 PM   #593
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Default Nobody save the world

This is an interresting one, though I wonder when it'll become at least a bit of a challenge.
So you roam around on a fixed map (no procedural generation), in a combat-system very much like Binding Isaac. The gimmick here is, you can change forms during combat, and customize your forms as needed.

The start is kinda interresting, even makes you think a little bit, on the other hand you soon find out things respawn if you leave the area, and death has barely any consequence aside porting to the nearest save-point and respawning some monsters.

The important thing is, you gain XP for the "original form", and FPs (form points) for the various forms. This means you'll get stuck with the rat for quite a chunk of time (until you meet the hammer, which unlocks the cutomisability of your forms).
This is a shame, because eg. in the first star-door-dungeon you are pretty much forced to fight as the rat (only that having the required elemental type for attacking the local monsters).

One of the weaker points of the game is, it is built to use a controller, though they did everything to make the gameplay keyboard -friendly too. But switching between the forms with hotkeys (1, 2, 3 etc.) would have been even more convenient. Not that you want to switch oh-so-much with customization being an option.

Anyway, try to advance with what you can, and here is a hint: you'll need the robot form for a quest available pretty early, teasing you to no end. The quest is to stand a hit from a dude who hits you 100% of your HP - the robot has a passive that circumwents this issue.
Annoying, I know. Especialy that you can't just look up all the attributes of the forms, data is only shown when advancing your form-levels. Argh!

But it's a pretty fun game otherwise. Have high hopes for NewGame+ mode.



size: normal
drawback: it can't have any ability, so don't bother being in this form unless mandatory. It has a base melee attack though until you get another form.

size: small
drawback: its leveling is hindered by story-progression at certain times

size: small
drawback: can only level up by special encounters (nests)

size: normal
advantage: pretty tanky. Harvests mana like no other.
drawback: not really

size: normal
advantage: it's a solid transitional form
drawback: awkward controls and attack-pattern. Not very tanky.

size: normal
advantage: summons stuff
drawback: the summons are constantly loosing HP just by existing, the rabbit is kinda useless, the tiger is at best 33% to spawn
NOTE: its base attack is MELEE, so don't expect your usual wizardry

size: small
advantage: can swim (just walk into the "water"
disadvantage: no dmg, no HP, terrible moves.

size: normal
advantage: basic attack is ranged (costs no mana)
disadvantage: slow and awkward to use
NOTE: at least one dungeon demands ranged damage exclusively, so keep that in mind

size: small
advantage: its basic attack is ranged, and generates mana very quickly So if you can solve swapping between this and the ranger, you have one blasting combo
disadvantage: it requires a passive slot to overcome its slow speed, but otherwise this form is surprisingly good

NOTE: some "form quest" requires BS things, like kill 10+ enemies with 1 attack, or hit one enemy 20 times.
The first can be solved going to the edge of an area, with a group of monsters close, or some monster groups close enough to each other, and hope your manapool will last long enough.
The other type of quest is very annoying a sit obviously limits your progress. Like if you pumped your dmg ASAP at the shop, or thorugh the token-system, or something, I bet you can even softlock the game for you.
NOTE 2: also found an artificial barrier on the Slug-tier, so the Monk, Rogue, Robot and Necromancer as well as the Dragon can not be unlocked until waaay deep in the story. There is SOME story.

size: normal
advantage: can swim (not as fast as the turtle), ranged attacker.
disadvantage: its attacks are clumsy.

Body Builder:
size: normal
advantage: it can hit a bunch of monster in one go
disadvantage: its attack has a bit of a delay on it, plus it is a projectile with immense width, so it can get stuck in narrow corridors, doing nothing. It also refuses to work if stairs are in the way.
This is not a bad build, and if you get it zombie-making, it's hilariously overpowered.

size: normal
advantage: "floats" (poisonus liquid and lava still effects it, so it's totaly swimming)
disadvantage: this thing is a waste of space. It is supposed to be an aura-attacker, but the aura-size is too small, and you need like 3+ enemies at once attacking you at close proximity to enlarge it, while you don't have any kind of defense, no active attack. This aura also does not generate mana either to make other options accessible. As said: a waste of space. It is worse than the turtle, and that's an achievement.

size: normal
advantage: pretty good in combat
disadvantage: it constantly looses HP
You'll have to use this to unlock some of the Advanced Forms, so use it if your HP is high, mana is ok, and only when encountering some mob. Do NOT walk around in it between fights.

NOTE: basicaly (with 1 area on the NW, and the expansion's area) until you collect the 3 Shards, you are locked into the bottom 2 row of the map. This is still enough to "max out" all your available forms, and I did not even ivsit the dungeons without quest! That's somehow awesome.
I mean I upped pretty much everything to rank B, where the last moves are unlocked. Some forms only have 3 moves (so my zombie form is at C). I suspect that some of the forms which do not relate to the afformentioned Advanced Forms can be pushed to whatever level, B was plenty for me, I mean I even B-ed turtle, which is just the worst.
Oh, and the Egg also reaches rank B here! Crap, maybe there is even more, because there are 2 areas on the bottom two rows where no quest sent me, so I just left them for now.
ANOTHER NOTE: there is that horse-racing minigame for the mage guild. I THINK I had 2 races, won the first with Glaop and the "you have 100 speed minimum" passive. The second race I gave the horse the snail's slime which DOUBLES the speed-bonus compared to Gallo, and used Dodge to dash in when in the finish line. Picking up the raddish to boost the mana (via a passive) was also key. I tell you this, because I still not invested token into ANY skills.

size: normal
advantage: not much
disadvantage: pretty lackluster form with a very complicated basic attack.

size: big
advantage: you do a mid-range force-lightning for free, and has an ok-strong summon which even lasts long
disadvantage: because of its size it can have trouble at unexpected places, also a bit slow. For some reason it can also loose HP very rapidly.

size: big
advantage: kinda solid - on paper
disadvantage: it's missile requires enemies staying in range, so it's like useless if the enemy notices you, or an object is in your way. It also tends not to 1HKO enemies etc. The melee attack is nice, but pretty slow. So this form is not optimal if you ask me.

size: big
advantage: floats (it is immun to lava, but not to fire in general. Not sure about poisonous liquids.)
disadvantage: mainly a ranged attacker, though solid in either way. Worthy to unlock.

NOTE: ,uch lower level enemies get the "fear2 condition - AND DON'T EVEN COUNT AS "baddies" ANYMORE!

Because of challenges, you'll want these abilities upgraded to the max:
- Hardened Shell (egg)
- Incubate (egg)
- Hat Trick (mage)
- Slime Slide (slug)
- Fleet Footed (nobody)
- Magic Life (nobody)
- Boo (ghost, 3 was ennough)
- Horse Power (horse, 3 was enough)

NOTE: the Nobody form only requires rank B to max out his skills, while all other forms demand rank S.

For the final thief-initiation use Ghost Form with Fleet Footed passive (maxed), caltrops (1st wave), gallop (2nd wave), holy light + boo (final wave). one Boo lasts through the whole ordeal, so activate it whenever you like.

The mage guild just wants you to do some dungeon-work, nothing special, though once they'll charge you for 3,000 gold.

The fighters include the ranger form too for whatever reason. Either way: Fireball from dragon form will solve the ranger task, and Dragon Form in general also works wonders during the not-form-related quests (especialy the final one).

Whackamelee (Colosseum Challenge)
form: Rogue
passive: sure footed (4), mermaid resolve (any), magic lifeű
actives: pump up (any), flex (any)
strategy: pump back up when your buff drops to 3. Without Sure Footed the whole thing is a gamble, as spinner-enemies will just headspawn you, and interrupt your flex.

Barrel Breaker:
form: ghost
passive: mana shield, quick cooldown, horse power
actives: boo, holy light
strategy: for this to work you need to be hit by the fire-fans (hence mana shield), and gain mana from the barrels (thus horse power). You also need Boo active, so you cann ot spare quick cooldown, so you do not have space for Fleet Footed. So you must write up the patterns. There will be 5 waves, the number of set of barrels are: 4, 5, 6, 4, 5. For the patterns watch a video, but you can start from these notes: up, down, diagonaly up left to right, diagonaly down right to left. Left, right, up, down, center. Complicated. NW corner, SE corner, SW corner, NE corner. a whole circle starting from NE, and finaly the center. It is fairly easy once you know the setup and the patterns.

Power Defense:
form: necromancer
passive: magic life, quick cooldown, zomnomnom
active: necrotic lightning (necro default), arrow of flurry, water spray, rattler turret
strategy: your main damage-source will be the turrets. Use the other abilities to break wards (immunities on monsters). You ARE able to stack turrets at one point if you want to. Always start the level by pulling the lever and putting down a turret right there, then move to the side so you are in the first U-junction. Level up your skills as needed.
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Last edited by twillight; 02-05-2024 at 08:11 AM.
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