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Old 02-04-2024, 08:50 PM   #589
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Default Monkey Island 5 (Tales of)

Well, this game is definitely "easy" when it comes to adventure games. Not baby-easy, you understand, you have to be pretty patient and stuff, but MOST of it is not a real obstacle.
I said MOST of it.
Oh, and the controls are clunky AF, so move around with keyboard, and click on stuff with mouse, and get used to the still clunky interface.

Part 1
This chapter trolls you quite a bit, posing artificail barriers in your exploration, and I dun care more times than not turned out my original idea was a miss. I should have been able to try it out!

Part 2
Now here are 2 puzzles which are "call our hotline" BSs.
- when on the shore with the two pirates I figured out I have to mark the friggin treasure-chest to be able to find it. With a bit of head-scratching and going around everywhere in case i missed some hotspots, I figured out the right item to do it. The problem was, even though I distracted them, they noticed me.
The solution was to dig into some obscure dialogue-tree which offered 2 other method of distraction beside just the plain distraction. Nof this is just dleiberately making life of the player miserable.
- the other was changing your main mass to a rubber tree. When that cannon-ball hit me it was totaly obvious from MI3, and I saw a rubber tree in this game... So I went to the merchant - and the option never came up. The solutuion was, that instead you should have sailed to the place with broken ship, I think, meet two pirates there, make them dig out the tree, and THEN go back to the shop. But I had no reason to think like this, so I had to go thriugh the thing with repeaired mass, make it broken again, go back to the shop, where finaly THE OPTION CAME UP. This is utter BS, bad design, deliberate sabotage of progress.

Part 3
This is hindered again by 2.5 puzzles:
- to "get to Flotsam Island" is full of red herrings. Like why is that other ship there? Why is the hint we get inside the game is to bargain with the dude at the shore from the ship? The whole intermezzo of course would be a bit easier the very least if a key item (photo of Guybrush) wouldn't be hidden behind a PIXELHUNT in a game where pixelhunting is practicaly impossibe? Well, if I had a week to figure things out, I'd PROBABLY found that pesky little thing which was ON ANOTHER LEVEL comapred to where I was looking for it, because of course it was, and you can't look back the video that has the clue, obviously.
- the conversation between the manatees is Galador level BS. Not that terrible, but pretty much the "guess the 4 line magic spell" puzzle transfered here. It's just tedious. AND you can not save when you are doing conversation, so yeah, bloody tedious.

Part 4
Now this WOULD BE a very satisfying chapter IF Telltale hadn't turned lazy AF, and fixed the gamebreaking bugs. They had the time to release a patch for F sake.
there are 2 major bugs you can't play around:
- the game crashes when you finaly allowed to enter the jungle, and you do so
- at the end of the chapter you SHOULD BE ABLE to talk with De Singe, but you can not.
To solve these GAMEBREAKING bugs go to the game's folder\Pack, and DELETE EVERY SINGLE FILES beside the X_ chapter-files and the WAV file. Dunno when those broken files get there, maybe there's an auto-delition issue or something, but it is definitely bloody annoying!!!
Bugs aside, there is one hardcore level puzzle here with the map. Nothing warns or hints you that, and there are aplenty of red herrings, which makes you think it has to do either with Stan's Voodoo Lady doll, or the calendar in the jungle. Because, you know: everyone is telling you "FUTURE!", and not "unknown". So F your "call our hintline instead" ingame clues, Telltale!

Part 5
If anything, this chapter looks epic. Seriously. This game in whole is for me as Grim Fandango to other people. Il ove the characters, the story, and most of the puzzles. The controls are clunky, and some things are annyoing, but still.
Now the crash-bug also exists here - again just delete everythin that's not x_ chapter-file.
The most annoying part here is getting those Obvious Keys during the final confrontation, which is made of quicktime-events a'la MI3, but here you have to set up a bunch of inventory-puzzles, modifying the sorroundings, finding shortcuts - and include a series of obscrure dialoge-tree puzzles. Now that was a mistake. Totaly breaks the flow, and you are just stading around to get punched, and finaly land on the screen you want something to try next. Annoying. Tedious. An action-filled ending to the waste.
And what was that ending? totaly anti-climactic to an epic saga. Were more episodes planned? I have no idea. Feels like some kind of fanfic. Making the Voodoo Lady causing the Mysterious Storm that crushed LeChuck's ship, making him ghost - obvious. But they've done nothing with it. Was this written by JarJar Abrams? Feels like one of his "Mystery Box"-es.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

Last edited by twillight; 04-04-2024 at 03:14 PM.
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