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Old 22-04-2023, 11:25 AM   #563
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Default Pokemon's Guide To Super Training

This feature is introduced/exists in X/Y, and is a super cool idea, but it has some mayor flaws the otherwise quite tlakey game does not tell you, and you need to know:
- when you first turn on the feature HAVE A COMPLETLY USELSSS POKEMON AT YOUR FIRST SLOT. This is because the game'll force you to gain 4 Defense EV twice. Completly ridiculous.
- after that fiasco, you will be able to roll your pokemons within the app on its starter screen, where the punching bag is.
- you can hit the punching bag on the starting screen, but this achieves absolutely nothing. You need to activate a special punching bag.
-there are 2 kinds of special punching bags: one that gives you EV for a certain stat, and those that makes the trianings easier.
-the amount of special punching bags you can have in store, is LIMITED. The game only tells you this when your backpack is already full, and thus you loose the won bag.
- after the first 2 mandatory defense-training you can choose the stat you want to upgrade.

- the game will always tell you the rules of the chosen training, no matter how many times you already done it.
- yes, it was a genious idea to make the aim-circle green on a green background.
- you need to use the roller-skating buttons to move aorund in these minigames.
- you'll need to use another button above the rollerskating buttons for the Protect-function.
- yes, you need to use the mouse during these minigames too.
- yes, the initial settings of the keyboard in Citra makes absolutely zero sense.
- you only get EV-boost and punching bags if you beat one of the trainings.
- there are 3 levels of trainings, and to unlock the higher ... difficulty trainings, you have to beat ALL the various trainings first. This means have a useless pokemon ON A HIGH LEVEL to unlock these #&@,
- It seems you need the level of the pokemon you use influences the difficulty here, and the HP and Defense trainings are absolutely ridiculous.
- fortunately, unlocking the higher trainings is not just for the used pockemon, but for the player, so all pokemon you own, or will own, will be able to use all the trainings.
- Currently not sure when you can unlock the Super Secret Training levels. Either you just have to max yourself out, or again, beat all lvl 3 trainings.
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