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Old 05-03-2023, 08:36 PM   #555
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Default V.O.T.E.R. Golem

Cytex, mission 1, raw material shortage: conquere all mines within 70 days!
Briefing: Our computers have confirmed that the degenerated Gens and the cursed United Clans are trying to recover the old blueprints from Debagh! Your mission, drone, is to ensure that we will have sufficient resources for the coming battles! Scans are showing that already some enemy units have entered the target area, and even more reinforcements are on their way. You will have 70 days to conquere and fortify all mines!
Wow. This IS hard. There are a lot of mines, and while the map is not big, that poses a problem, especialy that the AI captures a lot asap. You have 2 choice initialy: go east or west. To the east are coal mines, what your race needs. To the west are other mines (sulphur, wood, etc.). I started to the east, but who knows. You are also resource-poor, so it might not even be possible to capture all the mines initialy.
There is also the problem the enemy starts with baloons, while you don't. So it's either being annoyed as F and rely on mines to cover that need, or engineer your zeppelins. What will cost a lot both in resources and time. Time, you have precious little of. And before you ask: no, you don't have either the time or resources to produce a second constructor. And even if you had, then you would not have resources to capture and fortify the mines. Ye, that's a hassle too.
There are 15 mines on the map, so it'll be a busy task. Note, that those bloody slow white square units are able to withstand shots from the enemy (if you are lucky, approach with caution etc.), so producing those, escorted by repair ships might be a solution.
Drop all that, and start attacking the enemy mines with your starting troops. I'm dead serious. Put the white squares in front, and hide just behind them the other two, inferior ships for extra attack power, and manouvre your contructor where it's needed, and grind down the resistence. This approach allows you to develop technology without interruption, and I mean zeppelins of course.
I won at day 60. The order of capturing the mines is best approached in an anti-clockwise fashion. A lot of darn canals are obstacle.
It is also fortunate you don't have to capture them city, it's at very bad position for that.
PS: zeppelins are excellent support-units, but are terrible for assault, so build some of those white squares mostly, and if you find the resources to develop some submarines, switch on those in production.

Cytex, mission 2, the first offensive: Eliminate all Gen units! (aka. destroy everything, lol)
Good job, drone! Now that we have secured the production of our battle units, it is time to take the offensive. The degenerated Gens and the United Clans have signed a truce, and will not be on high alert!Your primary aim is to obtain a strategic advantage for us against the Gens. Eliminate the Gens, and don't show any mercy, drone!
Despite this being a small map, we have 2 enemy cities, but one from each race? And turly, you only have to eliminate the Gens, none cares about the other faction here! That's a nice surprise. Also, you likely noticed you get white squares to start with, so that's a relief, you can immediately start conquering. But be cautious and build fortifications, the AI will do a Hail Mary when you capture the Gen city (I had one mine of them left).
And for starting the map: found the city, then capture the mine you see at the start. there is a second to the west of your city, you have a scout ship, shouldn't be any problem finding it.

Cytex, mission 3, survive: survive 50 days!
Briefing: You have successfully driven out the Gens from the target sector, drone! Our technicians report that by conquering the Gen harbour, we have also obtained some important parts of the Golem. Well done! But this information has been placed into the hands of the United Clans, and now they have sent their armada to get these parts back! Sadly our fleet is too far away to help you in time. You are on your own at first. Defend the parts until reinforcements arrive. We expect you to survive 50 days.
To make your life easy, capture the mine you see asap, then head west (and a bit south) - there's another city-place! Don't be afraid the enemy will capture it, it can't keep it, because it needs 2 days to build fortifications for it, and that'd need cover, and it does not have that.
Also, start building an extra constructor, so you can repair your fortifications as needed in both city.
Then the AI will dump on you massive waves. You COULD eventualy win, so close is a Guild, but in 50 days, that won't happen. So you might as well rush engineering, and set your production line to build 2 of the biggest submarine and 1 airship (they suck, but they are better than nothing against anamey baloons). then just camp at your starting city - the other won't be attacked, so if you are a nerd, you can build an extra army there, which can go and start conquering.

Cytex, mission 4, eagle rocks: eliminate all units, and destroy all buildings! (aka. destroy everything)
Briefing: It's good to meet you alive, drone! Our engineers have started building the Golem, and they are proceeding quickly. The computers have calculated the new coordinates for your next mission. The target area is of enermous starategic importance for us, as we will be able to reach and attack voulnerable outposts of the Gens and the cursed United Clans. But there is also one important disadvantage: you can not make use of a safe harbour to plan your actions. But there are also some eagle rocks, where once powerful magicians studied their mysterious arts. First visit those places before attacking our enemies! Perhaps you will find some help to hit our deadly enemies.
I find it weird this race gets a "destroy everything" objective at its Eagle Islands mission. My expectations are subverted. And yes, this mission is a cruel joke, as you have zero idea where the islands are, and there are 3 enemy cities waiting for you. Plus the mines if you care.
I started to send my scouts north and south. There was nothing on the south, but bumped into 2 mines and a city on the north. As the AI was not in a hurry, I captured both mines. Turns out there is a city too in the middle, and in the SE corner. For a cruel joke, one of the eagle islands is NNE from your starting position / SSE from the NWern city. Very easy to miss if you don't know the map. The other one is right N of the SEern city, so you'll deifnitely find that, and though you barely get anything from it, they must be enough to capture that city.
The AI is either very passive, or don't get the usual extra units over you, so it's fun.

Cytex, mission 5, fight against the Gens: eliminate all units and buildings! (aka. destroy everything - unless again the UC exists here too, but you don't have to conquere THEM)
Briefing: Very well, drone! While our fleets are forming again, you must fight the degenerate Gens to give us much-needed time. We are receiving parts of the Golem from all frontiers, and we need all energy to speed up the construction. Drive all Gens out of the target sector, drone, and teach them what dreadful enemies we are.
I feel a bit racism towards the Gens here, but at least this faction seems to be interrested in the Golem, and knows what they are doing. I wonder where are we compared to the other two campaign though.
This is an extra larfe map with no funny business. The enemy has 2 cities, you cna have 1, and if you are quick enough, can have 2 mines: one right south of the city-place, the other NE from your starting position.
Around the middle of the map are 4 mines an a city. On the top are 3 mines and a city. That's it. The middle-city has some extra units (nothing big though), so don't try to be too quick.
The mission is very hard, as the AI is very active, and has much more resources, so save often, and do a lot of micromanagement. Your first problem will be its air superiority, but only after you realise, it has lvl 2 buildings too, so you won't be able to outreach its fortifications. and one thing that your units have a massive HP, but repairing them is a hassle. Also, you aren't exactly rich in resources. So you can't even research what you want, and will have to compromise. You'll need some air-support asap, but only buy 1 zeppelin, and wait until you can afford 2 of those stupid tripple-baloons, because those is positioned somewhere, will have a giant range. That at least will clear the sky, but next the AI will throw at you zounds of HUGH ships, I dunno how they can afford them, but they do.
But if you play your cards right, you'll be able to capture the 2 mines in the centre of the map. That's not as much as I'd hope, but ya know. Also: never start just attacking anything. The AI is setting up ambushes, so first lure those accumlated units out. Always.
At this point I'm not sure which city to go for. Sure, the eastern one is right here, but sorrounded by islands, and another mine. The other is far away, but maybe a bit more accessible.
Went for the eastern one, and needed to build 3+biggest airship, because those are just that much advanced. Then it was just time.

Cytex, mission 06, Lagus: eliminate all units and buildings, and find the(?) Lagus
Briefing: You havebeen successful as expected, drone. Our working drones are reporting, that the magician Lagusis helping the United Clans to build the Golem. It is time to slow our competitors down! You need to fine Lagus in the target sector, and arrest him, drone. Let him live, as long as he can be helpful to us, otherwise eliminate him!
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

Last edited by twillight; 09-03-2023 at 06:48 PM.
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