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Old 10-06-2019, 12:49 PM   #443
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Default Pokemon White #1

With the disappointment Platinum caused (from marketing viewpoint making the Elites semi-post-endgame is a good clickbait move to make people play the definitely-post-endgame content), I might give this a try.

Thought I'll this time choose whatever looks cool. Well, every time I checked those (digimmon-dragon, trash-heap pokemon, fetus-pokemon, robot "pokemon", 'I am cool" bug pokemon, modron) it wiki said: You Suck, Try Again.

Also turned out, White has some extra forest with previous gen mons, while Black has the more appealing more trainer fights. Well, fok this, I'll grind in the grass if I have to,but I'll stick with white,because... Well, I better not finish that sentence. Btw, PC stands for Pokemon Center, k?

Let's see... Filter out event mons, version exclusives, trade evolutions, the flying polarbear, post game mons, cartridge-specials, osawoth, possibly scraggy...
They also told smugleaf is shit, and oshawot is just coloured shit, so I'm considering dumping my starter here, because I didn't do that until now. And if I released a mon in Platinum, I can do this here!

Hm, maybe the fantasy about not catching a single pkemon, onlyworking with the starter, and gift pokemons, and forced legendaries? Looking at Larvesta: gained: late, at lvl 1. Evolves: lvl 59 (your max lvl is usualy lvl 50 w/o grinding). So no.
I keep bumping into walls...
Ah, also have to exclude any Feebas-like pokemon (only appears at1%, on Tuesday, if you stand on your head, with your tongue out, your hair painted green).

Wait. Gift pokemons? What are THOSE?
Nah, never mind them. Not enough, partialy post-game content (or unusaly incredibly weak).

Lastly for now: most even semi-interresting mons marked are "comes late", so...


They made things related to real life SEASONS. That's out of this world.
The EXP-system looks seriously nerfed. Ok, new mons cancatch up, but what's with my high lvl mons?

We'll see how it works out, but I planned this team: archeopterix, darumaka (this is some asian demon-thing), a flying mole, some dog which I could live without, but I needed SOMETHING to work with, some worm which evolves into an even bigger worm, and the ice-cone mon because it looks stupid enough. For the game the designseems fitting, for anything else not. It looks pretty weak btw, but why should I care?

Seems there are no running shoes, and the vibrating elements rly make me nauseous. We'll see ifI can tolerate that.
UPDATE: there are running shoes, only come a town later. Btw, these towns are boring, nothing is in them. And you're heavily fistcuffed to only advance as the programmers allowed you with very artificial boundries...

Either way, I stored my starter after finding a good dog-mon which never sleeps and has impish nature wich only hurts its totaly unused stat (special attack), so while not optimal, I said ok, let's go pikachu - ye, like I'd do such thing.

So, in the 2nd Gym things are though. The Leader's first mon is already evolved (I keep mine from it, going for Gige Impact for the luls), and the 2nd hits 100+ with each hit, 210 in the first round, and it is fast meaning it moves first... Unless you're even more overlevelled than me.
I have a lvl 17 flying mole and a lvl 24 puppy at this point, as well the free monkey (darn, I should have started with Smugleaf, so I'd have the Blue Monkey, which is an excellent HM-slave!),which was also needed to faint during the Gym Leader. Ye, my startegy isn't very nice to my mons, giving some credit to Team Plasma, Pokemon's PETA. Of course ca. allgames starts with "don't go into the grass or you'll be shredded to bits by pokemon", so ye, very much like PETA this organisation.
Oh btw, if you want to Grind With A Purpose, hunt for the 5% fighter-mon.

Seems one of the creators had in mind to encourage the player to use recoil damage moves, slow mons, and low% hits. The other made every damage HURT, so things didn't work out in the new direction - stick to the Old Reliable.

After puppy and mole (this needs lvl15 for Metal Claw to have a half-decent attack) got myself a poisonous worm with poison on touch attribute. That's funky. And it's not half bad form the point it gets poison tail.

That bridge though, and the following city... Darn, that was creative. I'd welcome such things in my games on PC.

The game is VERY easy, and feels small, the progress only being slowed down a lot by advancing little and the need to crawlback for healing. Seriously, first you get TWO starters, AND you are strongly encouraged to capture at least 1 mor mon, so you have 2 mon to be sacrificed in the gym like I did. Or you can pick up the strongly suggested fighting types in the vicinity.
The first gym is based on your capturing that mentioned extra mon, because it is type-opposite gym compared your starter, but they are punny otherwise.
The 3rd gym is a bug gym with a bug-filled forest right before it. I dun wanna brag or something,because I did not plan it that way, but if you catch the poisonous worm, you'll be pretty much invincible at lvl 20 (capture is lvl15 or so). So the tools necessary are given to you on a silver plate!
And yes, I checked: the next gym is electric, and the thin selection of mons contain like 3-4 gorund type to make you immun against them. You get your ca. single fire type in the game (there's too a starter, a crappy elemental monkey, a not-third-phase-mole crap, and some ghost coming very late), but it won't be able to hit nuttin' until lvl 35 (comes at lvl 18), so put the Exp-share on it, and move forward. Oh, and don't take the Zen Mode variant, because those are crappy. You had to either halve you HP for the game with it, whatis a BAD idea, or do a physical/special mixed attacker, but with only 4 move, and the stats being exclusive to the forms, it just sounds cery hindering.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

Last edited by twillight; 11-06-2019 at 07:33 PM.
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