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Old 29-11-2018, 08:59 AM   #9
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Var, Hungary
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Ran quick "what's for free" run, and GoG still have a crapload of free stuff, I'll only mention categories:
- DLCs (like for Pillars of Eternity 2, or Path of Exile)

- demos
- language packs
- game extras (so not games themselves, but stuff like manual)
- graphic and sound updates
- and even some full games, those I'm not fmailiar with I'd say by the look of it shareware-quality, but some look good.

There's the Jill of the Jungle trilogy (platformer?) as abandonedware, there's Bio Menace which is an oldschool going-around-shooter (it looks ugly, but its simplicity is attractive), there's a point&click adventure game named CAYNE which sure looks beautiful, Lure of theTemptress (insanely difficult old adventure game), some other old advanture games like Flight of the Amazon Queen and stuff which I long have in my library from old promotions, or Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves which I heared good things (it is a survivor tactical-action-horror game where you are in the middle of the forest, trying to survive attacks of wolves and werewolves).
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