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Old 12-07-2004, 06:34 AM   #18

I have actually played and completed both X-Coms, and I have to say that the sequel is actually inferior. The only good thing about TftD is that the alien fuel source is no longer as scarce. In the original X-Com, elerium was a rare commodity as UFO engines usually get blown whenever you shoot them down. In order to ensure a decent stock of elerium, I had to allow the UFOs to land in order to capture them intact. In TftD, the fuel source zrrbite is plentiful as the UFO engines do not disintegrate so easily.

Aside from that TftD is just a revamped X-Com but with a higher difficulty level and a slightly different tech tree. The terror missions are way too tedious and you certainly get frustrated and/or bored after having to do a door-to-door search to find the last alien for the umpteenth time.

The sequel isn't a game for first timers. Play the original first, and give this a try only if you happen to want more action.
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