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Old 02-10-2015, 05:31 AM   #48
Smiling Spectre
10 GOSUB Abandonia
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Originally Posted by oldskoolgamer View Post
Just to be clear, I was being brutally frank but despite my use of the word 'hypocrisy' it was not my intention to be rude. What I am is puzzled and that was what I was trying to convey, because there seems to be a large discrepancy in dealing with one thing versus another, and those download links (and ISO mentions) are right next to the buy links and I couldn't understand how they might have been possibly overlooked.
As Japo already mentioned, site is in bad state, quite for a long time. So everything works by request. Not automatically. One man removes "download" link from main site, another kills correspondent link in forums, third will kill mentioned floppies in extras. If you think that for every _possible_ copyright notice we must thoroughly search all site for possible link - you are right. Theoretically speaking. Reality can be different - but not because we intentionally does it.
Let me also point out that GoG has no right to be mad at Abandonia, because even if they have temporarily obtained publishing rights for the games from Midway/NetherRealm Studios/Warner Bros.
In reality it's not all smiles and rainbows. GOG recently put on sale System Shock 1. And know what? Full System Shock node on Abandonia, with English review and all extras, was killed silently by Abovo, by GOG request, and I personally had to reconstruct it back. Do you want _this_ way of things? If we will not be careful, we will get it. Regardless of what _you_ thinks about copyright holders.
So finally what it boils down to is that you guys are voluntarily taking the old versions down despite the copyright holder not giving a damn.
Problem is, whole copyright system is blind colossus that can utterly destroy everything that got his attention, willingly or occasionally, regardless of actual crimes. And GOG _already proven_ itself to have attention about games that it sells. I was participating in one abandonware site, Underground Gamer. They was extra-careful, had closed registration and never published any game newer than ten years old. And it was torrent site, so, strictly speaking, they didn't publish anything at all!

And site was killed in a week after report of some suspicious game (if I am not mistake, it was Disney note, but I am not sure).

Do you want Abandonia to be killed this way? I am not. So let sleeping dogs lie.

Last edited by Smiling Spectre; 02-10-2015 at 05:38 AM.
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