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Old 13-04-2015, 10:56 PM   #2
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Post Another 100 movies

Ok, I gave my all-standing 100 movies. But there are other movies which you only watch to gain pleasure, as long as they last. Maybe you'll discover there is a big world out there which hides in plain view.
The list is no way in any particular order.

1 House in the woods: it is mostly satire for all the well-known horrors. With a distopia ending. Still worth as a standalone movie too.
2 The chaperone: wwe-superstar Triple H actually made a movie. A B-movie for sure, but this is a working teen-movie like earlier "Ferris Bueller's Day Off", or 48 hours. But here I like the naive "care for your children" attitude aimed towards parents watching.
3 Beethoven 2: a live-action dog-movie. All the plots are working, the acting is good, the movie don't rely just on the central animal. Splendid!
4 L'ours, aka. The Bear: You liked Bambi? Well, I didn't. But I liked THIS.
5 Pirates of the Carribean 1/3/4. They are working on the 5th at the moment, so no idea there. The second was horrible. All the others are funny, mysterious, filled with pirates and stuff. They even teach some history!
6 Evil Aliens: while Plan 9 from Outer Space was bad, but somehow the same way represented the UFO-legends. This is much more gory and nonsense. Nothing to not like on this Z-rated movie!
7 The Aztec Mummy vs the Humanoid Robot: This black&white film from the '50s actually remained exciting because in every 10 minutes something new happens. Yes, it is nonsense. But it is also fun. And watching the two classic, slow-moving creature battling is something you can't miss
8 Sharknado 2: Yes, the Asylum makes mostly "so bad it is good" movies. But they also made Sharknado. And somehow they understood why people liked it, and could make a sequel with equal quality.
9 A Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell: this is a troma-film. But before you filp away just because of that, let me tell you this is actually maybe the only real good film that company ever produced. The sheer number you know works for the chances. Yes, the "story" is dumb. Yes, the actors don't worth a dollar - but they don't really have to act anyway. Despite the low budget this film is filled with well-designed creatures, and that's what makes it a good movie with a beer.
10 Waterworld: Mad Max-style post-apocaliptic movie on water. Yes, it failed in the cinemas, rightfully. But no reason you should not enjoy it if it is in the tv.
11 Warlock: a classic horror-movie... Well, more of a mystical movie. It has magic in it, but cooking the killing and cooking the unbaptised children happens off-screen. Still has plucked eyes as compasses, time-traveling knight, a disco-girl and more - everything you need to pass a good time.
12 Titan - After Earth: because not just famous companies do good animations.
13 Ghost in the shell: I prefer this above Akira from the classic feature-length animes. Not necessarily god for the 10th watch, but definitely cool for the first go. Especially in cinema.
14 Metropolis (2001): another anime. I won't list the 1920 western-world black&white movie from the '20s, although could. But this anime adds so much, it should be on the top 100 list!
15 High School High: you know from all the highschool-movies I like this one. Yes, it is a parody, any particularly parody of the Michelle Pfeifer movie, but see if I care.
16 The Care Bear Movie (1985): yes, Care Bears are like My Little Pony. But this film got dark as Walt Disney's classic Snowhite!
17 Attack the block: far from being perfect, but you can't forget the moment the alien invasion come to Earth, land in Brookly, and immediately get shot by some dealer. You don't mess around in OUR street, gotcha?
18 Tremors 3: getting rid of Kevin Bacon from the first film, and adding stuff of level insanity makes this the best part of this series. You don't know the franchise? Watch this!
19 Stir of Echoes: mentioning Kevin Bacon he is actually not all bad, this movie proves that. The protagonist gets hypnotised and starts to see dead people. Also struggles with his relation to his child, wife, and other relatives. You thought Sixth Sense was a good flick? Wait until you saw this one! Actually shown in Hungary titles "Seventh Sense"!
20 Messengers 2 - The Scarecrow: There are more good horror-gems than you could count actually. This is one of those lesser known very good ones, which'd deserve more attention.
21 Merlin (1998): this long (usually two-parted) fantasy-movie has great story-telling and lots of good actors. Also shows how you can survive without massive pirotechnic at the final battle, which would actually be less satisfying with explosions and CGI. For any reason they keep mentioning "Willow" instead, what sucked.
22 Harry Potter and the goblet of fire: now this is how you bring into theatres an overwritten book, and serve age 16 audience.
23 Dead Set: ok, this is a "mini-series" technically, but see if I give a crap. Zombie-apocalypse happen during a reality-show. You can't be more meta than that.
24 Korgoth of Barbaria: ok, this was made as pilot for a cartoon-series. Which was never made. But this was preserved, and it is something you don't see every day in this PG-restricted world!
25 Manborg: deliberately trashy. It is so looking-'80s you won't believe it was made in 2011. Cyborg-demon-nazis vs heroes on whose teeth the light twinkles when they smile! "The Last Starfighter", "Howard the Duck" and similar flicks made remembered.
26 Shichinin no samurai, aka: The Seven Samurai. Made by Akira Kurosava, and is likely the only film you should watch from him. Standing the test of time, but just a wee-bit longer than comfortable, and just a little less exciting to show it to everyone.
27 Baraka: second title is "Faces of Worlds", at least around here. Very-very long documentary from the second half of the 20th century without any narration. Masterpiece if you can sit through it in 2-3-whatever go.
28 Mortal Kombat - Rebirth: the greates movie never made. Aside its presentation/trailer. Still.
29 Full Metal Panic? - A Goddess Comes to Japan part 2: Yes, it might be "unfair" to list an episode of a series. This is an anime-series, which episodes are mostly stand-alone,although there is a generic overarching "plot", which is very loose. This episode is just sheer surrealistic fun about the girls going to the bath (open air hot spring), while the boys trying to peek. Did I mention they are all soldiers? With mecha-quality weaponry? This one is sheer fun, but please don't watch below age 14! (target audience is between 16-25)
30 Arabian Nights (2000): proving that they still do classic fairy-tales
31 Critters 2: Critters was the cheap version of Gremlins, but had the advantage that got more and more sequels. The franchise wasn't good, but this movie got lucky and ended up such ridiculousness as "The attack of the killer tomatoes" and all the movies the leader of the Rolling Stones ever made.
32 Reign of fire: to build tension and action you don't have to blow up houses every minute. The dragons are pretty convincing, the movie is golden age style ('80s? '90s?). Also, Matthew McConaughey breaks type-casting it should be teached.
33 Show Girls: proves just because it is full of nudity, it doesn't mean it is erotic. Tells a very brutal story of the showbusiness. No bloodshed, just behind-the scene rivalry amongst the dancers and such.
34 Striptease: this looks like a pretty bad movie, and the last (unsuccessful) try from Demi Moore. But when you realise its comedic aspect, it get oh-so-muchbetter.
35 Pride and Prejudice: I am not sure which one. I think the 1995 one. Could mention the whole list: mice and people, blown by the wind, les miserables, the count of monte christo... But I think I liked this the most. This is the genre of refreshed sheaksperean tragedy: after a long story not everyone dies (like at shakespeare), but will be bad for everyone. Stilla chick-flik.
36 For a fistful of dollars: no, I never liked Eastwood's rival Charles Bronson's movies, wether straight westerns, or the revenge movies (where Eastwood had the Dirty Harry films). I especially did not like Once Upon a Time in the West, where even our teacher, an all-time fan of the movie went home instead after the first hour or so. But Eastwood was fun.
37 modern war-movies. Where the armies massacre them with machineguns and bombs. The good ones are not about mass murder though, but showing people being people, and the same people being heroes. Wether it is a segment from Universal Soldier, Forest Gump, or it is the whole film like The Thin Red Line, The longest day (it shows perfectly beside the action how mad that war was), Windtalekers (which also includes strong anti-racism message) or fictional comedy like Kelly's heroes or Cath-22, these movies are entertaining.
38 Edge of tomorrow: because you should watch current-day movies too, and you should not judge them just for the star in it is mad in the real world (true even for Battlefield Earth!). In contrast to real battle reproduction here is a sci-fi war-drama for you.
39 God on trial: I don't like to flash around religion, but this handles the theological/situational question so well, I included.
40 The Arrow: developing a legendary fighter-jet, while building up an entire infrastructure for a country just for the technical aspect worth watching. But it is also well-directed, and works as a personal drama too.
This is about the Avro Canada, the Avro Car, the Silver Bug Project, and how "Canada became the 51th state of USA".
41 Any part of Herbie the Love Bug series. It co-starred a popular german volkswagen car (a bug, called it for the unique shape), and it is just adorable. This was before Knight Rider, just to ruin your childhood.
42 The city of the lost children: Ron Perlman did an awful lot of films and other projects (like being the narrator of the Fallout series). This was likely his most weird work. The visuals are weird, the story is weird and gloating... Something you definitely don't see every day wether you catch onto it or not. He commented "for this movie my real payment was making Alien 4". Just to throw in a random fact.
43 Innocent Blood: gorey B-flick about a good (and sexy) vampiress.
44 Spaceballs: a star-wars parody, more for expectation on this list than my liking. Heck, I'd compare this to Ewoks - the battle for Endor (which I liked more,especially after multiply views). Still, something to enlarge your view.
45 Duel (1971): made by Steven Spielberg, and is practically a silent movie, where a mad truck-driver starts a race with an unwilling average dude. The battle is between the machines, although seeing the more and more desperate average-joe's face helps. No, we never know who was the other driver. The ending, where the beast-truck falls to its destruction with a lion-roar is classic. Yes, there was a time when Spielberg still could make movies.
46 Adams Family 2: as close you can get to a live-action Tom&Jerry. An entire generation grew up on these things, and never tried these things in real life.
47 Faces of Death: a semi-documentary about death. Yes, it is voluntarily shocking. Yes, most of the scenes are not real. Yes, it is very educational. And despite being "just" a series of clips, it works as a movie too (same for Borat).
48 Dagon: spanish horror movies are fun. This is a H.P. lovecraft adaptation (very close to the original. If you think it is lacking in comparsion is, because Lovecraft actually wrote crappy endings many times, and you read his works too long ago to remember that), but they can make entirely original ones too, like Witching and Bitching. Recommended.
49 The troops & aliens: this is the best I can offer from Luis de Funes. Well, maybe Neither Seen Nor Recognized is. I hate this guy, but I recognise his work, and that others have different taste. Also educates you about variety of humour.
50 Johnny English: in comparsion to the above here is another comedian, Rowan Atkinson. I think this is his most digestable work, but what you actually should peek into, is the original Mr. Bean series, on what every work of his is based upon.
51 The Party (1980): Sophie Marceau's film represents what french films are. They always have some 'romantic love'. And show nudity. And a little bit funny. But too serious to call it just comedy. And just barely not pedophile (unlike Lolita).
Random fact: 99.9% of french films show nude woman with pubic hair.
52 Fight Club: is there anyone who does not heared about Brad Pitt and Edward Norton's movie? This anti-hero film is big. And blows up the Towers at the end, but noone ever complains The novel differs from the film in the aspect the movie ends at the catarsis, when all dream comes true. The novel goes further, ending in a future similar to "Watchmen".
53 Grease: cars, hot chicks, guys in leather jacket, Travolta in his prime, and a modern musical. They should do new stuff in every genre. Musical, opera - without new productions I don't really think they should keep existing.
54 Wasabi: Jean Reno's restrained character along a teenage-asian just works to cheer you up with a lemonade. Banishes bad thoughts after a hard day of work.
55 Team America - World police: because puppets have their own movies. And there are more than classic boring tales and Muppets.
56 Sucker Punch: visual orgy, and mind-boggling editing this film is. A masterpiece if you ask me. I mean a giant vindicator-wielding samurai as representation of inner fears and the same time as mental-hostpital guards? What's not to like?
57 Cowboys and Aliens: well, critics don't know what this movie was. It was the revival of a certain comicbook era, that's what it was. It did its job excelently, but got lost amongst modern products.
58 Excalibur (1981): a much classicism-close version of the Merlin-story (also check #21 for comparsion). This is not to enjoy it, at least I did not. But this DOES develop taste.
59 Krrish: this is an indian movie from Bolywood. It is a superhero-movie, who instead of kissing the girl, sings a song. Every time. Still the best India can offer. For sheer cultural differences a must-see.
60 Jackass Number Two: I think from their feature-length episodes this was the best. Represents a kind of humor marks the turn of the 20th/21st century. Without turning overly disgusting.
61 Ghostfacers: came out as a webseries, got combined into a 45 min special, this spinoff for Supernatural is a good example of low-budget "Paranormal Activity" flicks with amatourish design.
62 Batman (1989): Jack Nicholson's Joker and Michael Keaton as Batman should be on the top100 list. It isn't, because ... maybe I just had a short time memory laps.
63 Return to the Batcave - The Misadventures of Adam and Burt: a good documentary about the original Batman-series (Poof! Kaboom!) made as a nostalgic (but still fresh) episode of the classics.
64 George of the jungle/Blast from the Past : both are similar comic Brendan Fraser movies,which might not be the biggest box-office hits with his name, but I'd say if the world would be perfect, and everyone would do what's his/her best in it, Mr. Fraser would do these kind of films.
65 Vampirella: face it, the superhero-movies in the Golden Age of Holywood how nowdays refer them sucked. Big time. Muscles were either made from polyester, or bodybuilders who had no talent at all but their remaining brain cells got destroyed by steroids anyway were hired. And they kept the comicbook-look. Ended up in disaster every single time.
We still watched them, but ... There were some less-failed products like The Flash, or Flash Gordon (ye, I mix them too), but... Anyway, one of the actually almost-good products was Vampirella. Surprisingly. Still stupid,and nowhere to the Superman-movies, or the Spiderman-series, but at least you could show this and not be emberassed about it.
66 War of the worlds (1953): a coloured movie from that time. Avoid the Tom Cruise version with r*ped H.G. Wells, and watch this. It was a blockbuster of its time and for good reason. Still standing if you can appreciate just a hint of nostalgia. This is how you made movies back than. Not bad at all, just different.
67 Bill and Ted's bogus journey: the movie every teenager from 10 to 16 enjoyed-enjoys, and likely will enjoy. Despite it being hogwash.
68 Bulletproof monk: Chow Yun-Fat goes self-irony, Sean William Scott starts a semi-serious role (definitely not a tradition American Pie typcasting), and the chick is hot too. Classic goofy karate-movie, like Karate Kid (the original), The Next Karate Kid, American ninja, Operation Condor...
69 Gulliver's travels (1996): classic story, costume-film, just a wee-bit low-standard with the effects to call it top100. Still.
70 Armageddon: Ye, the Bruce Willis goes to space movie. America's holywood at its best. Shameless "we are usa, we save the world" advertisement. And because it is shameless, it is beautiful.
71 St. Trinians: a british anarchic/punk/school movie. It's just... I can't describe, but it's hilarious!
72 The league of extraordinary gentlemen: terribly long name, but aside that, and being a harmless fun, it helps to remember oldtime fans and new audience of the classic monsters. Heck, they even added The Portrait of Dorian Grey, which turned out a unique experience to read (beware, it is existential work, like Kafka's The Trial!). And because I have a honesty attack, also because of Peta Wilson.
73 Macskafogó, aka. Cat City. I very much hope this exist in english too. Mice vs cat cartoon where the "good soviet named-after-Gorbachov looks-like-Vladimir Putin, James Bond-like superagent mouse" goes against the "evil, capitalist, mutilating-each-other maffia-cat(s) who even hired rats". You can't come up with this just by yourself
74 Super Fuzz: italian actor Terence Hill goes superhero. If youthought superheroes always have a "secret" identity, and wear costumes,you were mistaken. This superhero is a simple cop, who single-handedly disposes the maffia. And he isn't 10 years old with a firebreathing animal. He only has his veteran buddy who is a cop with cops' brain from jokes. Not to be offensive.
75 Mimic 3: a minimalist horror-movie, which builds up the tension perfectly. Shot in one single room it is an undeniable masterpiece. Won't save the world, but should be teached for film-making.
76 A perfect world: a film filled with ambigous characters. Unique drama.
77 Transamerica: a transgender father has to transport his never-seen homo-pornstar-wannabe son through the USA. From Desperate Housewives Felicty Huffman this movie so well represents the modern day questions you just can't turn off the tv!
78 Hero (2002): a movie from Jet Li, which focuses to show a great moment of China's history on the grand screen. Simple and elegant, traditional and modern at the same time.
79 The long kiss goodnight: you wanned a female action-hero? You got a female action-hero! With the most likeable black character and traditionally evil bad guys this is just awesome (and sends an anti-smoke message)!
80 Hugo the hippo: this animation-movie is one of my favourites, but there is noway it could be in a top 100. Because it is filled with scary sharks tearing appart hippos (and vica versa), drug-induced scenes and more. A guilty pleasure of 8-14 years, which can be watched by all ages I assume.
81 Sumuru: when it comes to professional film-making this movie is a shame in every single aspect. The story is bulls*t, the acting is nonexisting, the director's work is the lowest of all, the CGI is mamma-mia, and it is not even funny. So why is it on this list?
Because it is an excellent film! It is a man-teaser. It is filled with porn-star looking women in revealing clothes, every single male is a slave (thus not competition in fantasy), and there is even a badly cgi-ed giant snake-monster! Believe me, if you want your male couple to ready for bed-action, let him watch this, or something similar. Trust me, it'll work.
82 Billy Madison: Yep, Adam Sandler. This is one of his better works, but only that wouldn't qualify. First, Bridgette Wilson is hot, I don't care what you say. Second, it teaches you a life-long lesson about learning, responsibility, and how much your forget (could you pass all the classes yet again?). Third: the answer of Billy for his last question. It is total b*s*t, but that's how you do it!
83 Underworld: stricktly the first one. Werewolves are the hardest creatures to put on screen, and it is awesome. Otherwise a simple action-movie (shot at Hungary).
84 Machete: all the B-stars you can't compare to A-listers got their own special film: Steven Seagal, Danny Treyo, Michelle Rodriguez, Jessica Alba - everyone is here, doing what they do best: a B-movie. Made from a trailer for a movie which was supposed to never made into a real film. Because fan-power!
85 300: what this action-flick differs from the others is not just its almost-entire-length slow motion, but the absolute sheer heroism. This is pure testosteron.
86 Beverly Hills Cop 2: While the first one was kinda rudimentary, and the third too much PG, the second installment was just what we wanted: cops unchained. While might not be as edgy as Tango&Cash, and has a black main character (I heared USA has at times problem with that, and while I see tons of films which have blacks as main actors are so stereotypically "made for black audience only", this is far from being that), it has the funny tone what made these films famous (including Die Hard), and when the weapon-maniac cop accidentally(!) shoot out an evil-guy-cargo with a bazooka while reading the instruction manual and pushing the big red button just because it is written in the book - that's priceless.
87 Extreme Ops: when extrem sportlers goaction-movie it is usually sheer fun, wether they surfaround, or bike on a BMX (BMX-bandits anyone?). Here they ski, in the mountains, away from terrorists, which also creates an atmosphere similar to "Cliffhanger".
88 The Experiment (2001): prison-movie? Reality-show? Zombie-movie? Sadistic psycho-thriller? Dramatised documentary? Well, it is a worthy film. Not necessarily well-made, but gives so much you don't care for occasional weak acting.
89 The Prestige (2006): Not the Edward Norton-one, but the Hugh "Wolverine" Jackman-one. Making a film about magicians on stage is a risky business, but with good acting, clever story, and just a bit of sci-fi element created a movie worth talking about.
90 Leon the professional, Nikita, Lolita, heck, even American History X are movies about a child doing adult's business lead by,or sometimes forced by adults. It usually not work good for the protagonist, but they do create a tragic hero.
91 A herceg haladéka (the Prince's reprieve): when the Prince of Hell falls in love with you he might just decide to give you another chance, by giving you back your life. The problem is, you get back only the last minutes of it. During that you must convince someone to take the burden of death from you. What'd you do with this time? How would it effect you? Is this a true gift, or torture?
While the film was low budget, and is probably not available on any other language aside hungarian, I wish you could watch it. And if we're at it, Liza, the Fox-Fairy is another creative hungarian movie, and it seems THAT IS available in english. Or it is still in the cinemas.
92 Broken Flowers: the old Bill Murray era's best movie if I'm allowed. The old man goes/gets pushed through his once-lived life re-visiting his once-romantic relations. A man who lost his lust for life tries to find his son, tries to find out wether his heritage will continue or not. Personal romantic drama about the meaning of life, the universe and everything.
93 Monty Python and the Holy Grail: It is not a really good film. Well, at least it is not as overrated as Hitchkok's works, but it is mostly forgetfully bad. Why it is on this list? Because it is entertaining, and maybe it'll teach you the IDEAS of the filmmaking. Because it has plenty. So if you want to make an amateur film, or you have to do some serious low budget cut on your film, you can get ideas from here.
94 Take the Money and Run: I also thing Woody Allan is overrated, plays the same character in each film etc., but watching only one of his (better) films can be a cool experience. I suggest this, as I found him here not-too-annoying, and the final joke.
95 Rain Man: it not just shows disabled people as superman, but tells both the story of a money-hungry person changing for the better AND in comparsion how the disabled person experiences the events of the film.
96 Love actually: I could list here a lot of Hugh Grant movies from Notting Hill to Bridget Jones's Diary, but this has way more stars, and way more naive romantic holyday-celebrating "The Sweetest Thing", I just LOVE this movie, not matter how syrup it is.
97 Rising Sun: a crime/detective story where diplomacy and cultural differences play a great role during the investigation. Interesting, and presents you the idea which crimi-writers use time and time again (from Sherlock Holmes to Poirot each fictional detective had this adventure): discovering and revealing the truth to the public are two different things to happen.
98 Go Trabi Go: wether it is O Brother, Where Art Thou?, National Lampoon's Vacation, Road Trip, Dumb and Dumber (yes, I shamefully added the title), the Blues Brothers, Cannonball Run, or some patient suffering cancer escaping from treatment to see the ocean just once because (s)he never could in his/her life, road movies tend to be fun. I chose Go Trabi Go for flag not for its untimely entertainment-value (it ages badly), but because it is a european movie, shows the illustrious Trabant (that car was a status-symbol! And almost the only car you could lay hand on on that side of the Berlin Wall), tosses the eastern pride in the face of the western "hippsters" (everyone knew the western world is the future just because it WAS better), and general nostalgia.
99 After all the titles what more can I add? For the last 10 titles I literally went through the "1001 movies you have to watch before you die'" list just to finish this list, and I still have 2 place to fill. Heck, I could leave one slot open and say, "insert your title here", and I'll somewhat do that.
For 99th I add The Real Blonde. I have no idea why I like this movie. Really. Anything even remotely similar makes me turn off the screen. But I can't resist this one. I bet you have something like this feeling for a title of your own.
100 I'll "leave this blank" in the sense I'll spoiler the actual ~film (more of a documentary) for sake being 'possibly offensive'. Not that it is if you ask me, or wether I'd agree with its points or not. So only unlock the title if you can restrain yourself and appreciate the questions of interests, and see how horribly uneducated people can be whose job should be to pass forward knowledge!
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

Last edited by twillight; 15-04-2015 at 09:24 PM. Reason: the list has been completed
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