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Old 08-06-2014, 05:53 AM   #509

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Default Stress, Delinquency, and Running Away

I recently got back into playing Princess Maker 2, so forgive me if any of this has already been mentioned in this very long thread...

Browsing other sites, there appears to be some misinformation concerning the daughter running away.

Morality is not a factor as many believe. Instead, it's Faith.

She even gives you hints about this when you talk to her, saying something like "I believe living in accordance with the Lord will make you happy regardless of the situation."

I discovered this because my daughter kept running away for apparently no reason. She had zero stress. She was well-behaved with 0% delinquency. She had Morality in the 180 range. Father relationship was mid-80s to 100. Basically, I doubled-checked a lot of factors because it was driving me nuts. It was literally once every 2 months that she would run away.

Her Sensitivity was very high -- over 600. So as people have suggested, it absolutely IS a factor. That got me thinking... If Sensitivity represents her emotions and compassion, then Faith must represent her conviction and mental toughness. I looked at her Faith, and it was half as much as her I decided to test the theory.

As long as I kept her Faith higher than her Sensitivity, she never ran away. Not once. Not even when I ran her Stress up to 200. Some people may not realize how significant that is (which I will come back to later).

That leads me to another misconception. Constitution determines how much Stress will make her Sick. It only affects how much Stress she can handle physically.

Constitution ==> Sick
Faith ==> Delinquency
Sensitivity ==> Runaway

So if Sensitivity is higher than Faith, your daughter is more likely to run away than become Delinquent. If her Sensitivity is very low, but her Faith is somewhat high, then you can run Stress as high as Constitution will allow without getting Sick. If Faith is lower much lower than Constitution, she'll eventually become Delinquent. You can keep try to work her as if she doesn't get turned away, but there's a catch -- she'll get arrested.

That was a twist I hadn't come across yet. Her Sensitivity was 16, Faith 97, and Constitution 210. I ran her Stress up to about 240 before she was arrested. She had been Delinquent since around 184.

This leads me back to why I said Stress of 200 was significant. If you're using Dolls to reduce Stress, you may encounter problems. Dolls don't remove stress. They only allow her to temporarily ignore it. If you sell a Doll in the Pawn Shop, you'll notice that her Stress will rise by 40 again. So if she has 5 Dolls, that 200 Stress is really 400 instead. It's still there -- she's just been coping with it. Sensitivity reduces her ability to cope with Stress. Just so happens that each Doll raises Sensitivity by 5.

So Dolls are a double-edged sword. Give her Seafood instead.

It costs the same amount, but the stress reduction is permanent. She may gain a small amount of weight, but she'll lose it if you take her to the sea during summertime. Three Seafood (you're allowed one per month) add the same amount of weight as will be removed by one summer trip to the sea. So that's 3 months of weight removed by 1 vacation. With 3 summer months, that means you can feed her Seafood for the other 9 months, and she'll lose all the weight before heading into the tournaments.

So to sum up...
  • Buy Seafood rather than Dolls
  • Raise Faith to prevent Delinquincy
  • Raise Constitution to avoid Sickness
  • Keep Sensitivity lower than Faith to prevent running away.
  • Avoid running her Stress up while she's Delinquent -- she may get arrested, and she'll lose reputation and waste time.
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