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Old 10-10-2013, 12:27 AM   #9
Abandonia nerd
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StaaViinsZ begins the onslaught of replying to 3 posts at once-- for fuel, he has :

A) 2 McDoubles

B) A Pumpkin Pie (McDonald's)

along with

C) A Peach Fruit2O Water *Slurp*


Salt & Pepper Packets, one each.


Small pile of school to do


None to speak of, except Scatty.

He takes another bite out of his first McDouble, Opens a Salt Packet from Sonic that's been sitting in the cabinet for weeks, and delves in to the deep pool of bubbling tar, that is...


And now, back to your regularly scheduled reply.

I understand how the comic is different, it's only that I don't like it particularly (or compared to other comics) other than as an inspiration for the TV show.
I've never liked it as much myself, especially the art, but then again, I've never read any of it, just glanced at the pages
I might like the story!
The TV show's premise and such is just so much more fun and light than the comic and later stuff... but I'm not completely selective, TMNT from 2005 is better than Care-Bears and Law & Order SVU and Criminal Minds! (All of those are completely mockeries if you ask me.)

Wait a sec... Whoa whoa whoa... Rewind...

"Compared to other comics"? WHAAAAAT??

That's right folks, we've got a comic lover here! Right under our noses!

If it had been a spider, it would have bit us, MAN!

*Crickets Chirp Over Silence*

So hey, what other comics do you like? I'm a pretty big comic fan myself, although I got out of reading them for a while.

*Crowd Gasps*

I like Star Wars, Spider-Man, Some weird old independent titles, and lots of Marvel in general.

*Crowd Cheers*

The art changed a lot even during the first seasons of the TV show, if you compare carefully (I don't know how it changed later). In the first season it had much more detail, specially the backgrounds and objects but notably the characters. Not only that but later they came to draw the characters much more as cartoons (on purpose I suppose), for the facial expressions and overall, specially the turtles and Bebop and Rocksteady.
Hmm, I'll have to go back and look at that. I haven't watched for a while, but I do remember certain art changes.
Sounds like another case of "We're gonna do this really good", but then they realize that even if they did it "Kinda bad" or "Just average", no one would complain, so they stop spending so much money to make it unltra-awesome and then just make it good, because really, no one expects ultra-awesome from a Saturday morning cartoon show, and the kids who do don't need detailed backgrounds and characters to get that

Another example of something like this:

A restaurant around where I live used to give this GIANT fried steak if you ordered chicken fried steak or such, so big, it was hard to eat it all.

One day, they seemed to realize, that no one expected it to be THAT BIG, so they slow made it smaller until it was about an average size.

See, what they discovered is this: If you have a fixed price, and a customer is expect to get "average", and you deliver "Mondo Awesome", then that customer will be very happy. But, since you have a fixed price, if, for the same price, you give the same or ever-so-slightly more than what they're expecting, they won't object, and be just about as happy, and therefor, the company spends less money OVER-Delivering on things that could just as well be MIDDLE-Delivered, with no whiplash.

Anyway, If that made any sense?

Most of those example shows are too recent for me.
Yes, I figured that, but I was on a roll and those shows are some of my favorites

Of course I know Pokemon but I never watched and it came up when I was already too old.
Too old? Haha man, you're NEVER TOO OLD!

Too old, or too OLLLLLD (Like they said about Anakin in Episode one)

The first He-man is in the time frame of my childhood, but what I meant is that it's too long ago, I watched tons of episodes but now I remember only the characters and so.
Hmm, That's understandable. IF YOU'RE A NUT, HAHAHAHAHA--

Okay, yeah, anyway, that's understandable.
Sometimes the more episodes you watch, the less likely you are to remember any one particular one. Especially if you watch them all in a week on DVD like me

The other shows were never significant for me.
Captain Power was never significant to you? Ha, what a surprise

I do remember watching (Choudenshi) Bioman, an installment of the Japanese source material for the equally cheesy Power Rangers.
Power Rangers isn't Cheesy, it's CAMPY!
I love power rangers, and apparently, someone else does too, considering it's reached 18 or more seasons!

As far as long running kids shows go, Pokemon, Power Rangers, definitely. TMNT is in there, but not as much, since it's not still running. (Sort of)
What else?
Voltron ran for a while, along with Spider Man (1994) and such.

Star Wars the Clone Wars ran for about 5 seasons. (Whoo, I need to catch up on that one)

Any other kids shows that ran for a realllly long time?

Mr. Rogers, I guess, but now we're getting into weird stuff... I'm gonna do everyone a favor here and NOT mention Teletubbies.

The show that I probably watched more and was my favorite at the time was the A-Team, and from that time also Knight Rider, and later MacGyver was my favorite for a while.
Stop the flurry, stop the flurry, stop the FURY!

Talk about a machine gun barrage of good shows! Well, A-Team is debatable, but still.

What about ST:TNG?

Some other shows that I remember from then or even earlier are Blue Thunder, GI Joe, Ulysses 31, Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors, Dungeons & Dragons, Fraggle Rock, Pippi Longstocking, Maya the Honey Bee, Heidi, and Marco.
You lost me at Blue Thunder.
I haven't heard of half of those shows.
You sir, are more of a 80's cartoon aficionado than I thought. When I began this battle, I had no clue I would be shot down by a sudden barrage of flaming arrows flying through the sky.

Later the top two cartoons would be awesome Dragon Ball and the great great Simpsons.
What I heard:

Originally Posted by My Mind
Later, the top two cartoons would be *LAME* *FAKE* and the *LAME LAME* *FAKE*
Okay, so not really, but those are two I never really got into. Glad you like them I suppose, (I'm never really glad when anyone likes the Simpsons) but I really do not like them, especially the Simpsons.
Then again, DBZ might be alright, I haven't seen much. I might like it if I watched some.

Later in high school I watched a lot of X-Files. I must have seen dozens of shows more until then that I don't recall now. Later it's been more or less all sitcoms with no continuity, my favorite is of course Seinfeld.
X-Files, good show, creepy, but good. Haven't seen much of it either.
Sit-Coms eh? Well, I do occasionally like Fraiser, but not always.

I have a love for the Disney Sit-Com "Kickin' It". It's pretty funny.

Other than that, Sit-Coms don't bear much weight for me.
Or, if we're talking swimming analogies, then Sit-Coms bear a lot of weight for me, and they sink to the bottom of the pool!

Now, We march on to reply 2!

Well, I believe most of the fondness for these shows come from nostalgia, rather than content.
I'm 15. Love lots of "These Shows". Don't try and slap that nostalgia nonsense in my face, el charie. (I'm currently at a loss for what El Charie means, just came up with it real quick )
(Yeah, I tried Google Translate, it pretty much means nothing. It ain't real.)

I don't remember much of TMNT myself, apart from the characters and the intro. And I don't think I would be willing to watch the show again today, it would kill much of the magic.
I have heard about the "wasn't as cool when I watched it later" effect.
Sad, but true. I've yet to experience it myself, yet, I think.

Growing up as a child I remember liking Thundercats a lot, as well as Smurfs, He-man, and other shows. There was a 90's X-Men cartoon I really liked also. As a teenager I remember watching things like Animaniacs, and some Nickelodeon cartoons like Doug Funnie. I used to watch a lot of Cartoon Network also.
Thundercats, heard of it, never watched it. Smurfs, no thank you. He-Man, well, it's aforementioned, but I never mentioned that I haven't actually watched any of it, either.

X-Men 90's cartoon, oh yeah, love that. Crazy addictive theme song. I was in the process of watching that whole thing when I suddenly quit. I need to find my spot and finish it! (It's on Netflix Instant, for those whom it may concern )

Animaniacs, heard of it, might've watched some, but it always seemed a little weird or possibly even dark. But it always looked kindof funny.

Doug Funnie I have not heard of, and I don't really think it sounds like I want to, but I suppose that's premature.

Cartoon Network varies for me, but in general, a good "Network".

Another unforgettable show is Wonder Years.
As long as it's not "Golden Years" or whatever, or anything with Betty White, I'm open. Maybe.

To Reply 3!

I've only watched some three-and-a-half episodes of Thundercats I found on a VHS tape someone recorded from TV. The show seemed nice but that was a very limited experience.
Lemme guess, dumpster, 'ight?
Okay, that's pretty stupid, anyway...

So it cut off in the middle of one? Ouch.
I haven't seen any. Maybe it's actually pretty good, who knows.

Speed Racer (I watched some episodes from both the original Japanese series and the Fred Wolf version), Conan the Adventurer, The Raccoons and that live action show, The Odyssey.
Speed racer, I watched some of the American version of that, it's pretty good.

Conan the Adventurer, heh, no, haven't seen it. Again, heard of it. A lot of cartoons are un-objectionable once you start watching them, in fact, a lot are easy to like, but it just depends on whether or not it's one you "LOVE" that makes it special. Or Really like.

Never seen or heard of the Raccoons. When was that on, and for how long?

I vaguely remember HEARING about the odyssey, but I certainly can't tell you what it is besides what you've already told me.

I thought Seaquest DSV was pretty cool, but it was kind of ridiculous, they kept changing it, trying not to get canceled, and changing a bunch of cast members, and finally they got canceled in the middle of an Arc. Bleh.

I liked Underdog and Pink Panther, Also there's this VERY old limited scope Robocop cartoon I have a couple of episodes of on VHS Tape that always seemed really cool. I really liked Super-Human Samurai Syber-Squad.
Along with Power Rangers and Pokemon, and ST:TNG. I used to love and still like Talking Dog movies. One of those that I remember was "Cyber-Mutt".
Looney Toons was alright.
There was a "Movie Version" of a series of TV episodes from the Justice League, that is a all-time great for me. I've watched it a million times.

There was other stuff too.

Something weird I Read on Wiki about TMNT: Way back in the 80's or so, there were some people who had things against "Ninjas" or something, so they would alter the title of the show.

Teenage Mutant NINJA Turtles became "Teenage Mutant HERO Turtles"!

Weird, eh?

Not to mention, who ever had the nunchucks never appeared with them. They always "Censored" the parts with the nunchucks, instead doing something else, like having the same turtle appear twice, with stock footage, instead of having the right one.

Really weird. The (Regular, possibly special) wiki article on TMNT should have all about it.

And of course, we can't forget the Bill and Ted cartoon, equally as "Bodacious" as the original TMNT!

That is all!

"Does seeing me as a small lizard make everything I say even MORE annoying?"

"...this forum seems like a bunch of jumbled posts all bound together, except a toddler has been tearing "Posts" out of the "Binder"."

"And here we are, in the shadows, patiently awaiting a reply to appear, in it's natural habitat."

"Why quote someone else when you alone have enough ridiculous posts for the whole forum's user base?" -All Quotes StaaViinsZ
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