Thread: HoMM 4
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Old 31-10-2012, 09:03 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Tracker View Post
You suffer from the good old "HoMM4isnotHoMM3-itis"...

2. Only the animations are slow, and the map itself is larger.
3. There IS a marketplace, you need to build it for yourself.
4. Not sure about the first part. But second part: In order to be able to cast a spells of a certain school you need to be trained on the required level of the said school. For example, the level 5 spell Armageddon requires you to be a level 5 Chaos Spellcaster.
5. You're only missing the old combat system because it was a lot easier.
6. The Necromancer campaign might be evil enough. (The one where they're torching someone on a bonfire.)
2. so the animation IS slow. and the size of the map makes it even slower. Means bad design.

3. No, you don't build marketplace. I've managed to find the marketplace, it is on the world map's main menu.

4. I've found spell list in the manual, but no monster list. It is inconvenient to check price and abilities from the net. Also sounds like building the additional spell schools not worth if noone has the skill.
Finaly: the subclass-system overcomplicates life. Like Crusader instantly gives max. moral, while two other class gives either +1 or +2 moral. WTF? This is serious? I say this is stupid.

Also I'm interested in what hapopens if I have two magic school and gain the similar skills of extra mana/spell per day.

Also not really understand what they thought when designing Death magic, what to be used in full DEMANDS Nature magic.

5. No, I miss the old system because it provided TACTIC. Now it is just pure bash 'em.

6. There is no "necromancer campaign". The "half dead" campaign of course looks interesting, sound like THE best possible campaign, it still suffers you (the protagonist) trying to be the good guy.

+1: no idea about the exp system. If I have more then one hero in a group and I do battle, the exp is devided amongst them, or everyone gets equal? If previous then there is no reason to unite heroes when more then one can be carried over, while the later can result in the same lame thing as Disciples 2 where you are allowed only 1 group what'd have to be everywhere at once and that sucks.

Anyway, finished the first day of the first week of the first campaign, and it took me 2 entire real life hour...
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