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Old 09-10-2012, 10:17 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Torquemada10 View Post
Yes but Diablo was much more forgiving about misclicks than this game.
Another annoying feature is that the character walks towards the enemy if he is too close. Do you know how annoying that is for a melee character trying to kill an archer?
Nope, Diablo (the first one) is way more unforgiving (from the level where the lightning-casting demons start to appear). Well, if you want my opinion.

And in any of the Diablos if you misclick walk towards the point you clicked.
'Though if you say your character moves without even clicking if enemy is near, then it is simply not true. Otherwise I'd be happy if my melee char would walk towards ranged enemy as that's efficient, thus wanted (how else'd I kill that ranged one and gain the exp?). If your problem is that You are the archer and you walk towards the enemy... Then you're playing it wrong. Bump up your stealth, and you can stand right on the toe of the enemy without being noticed, and do oneshot kills.
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