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Old 09-08-2012, 04:32 AM   #79

Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Dog City, Cayman Islands
Posts: 107

uh good question about beaten games.

I've prolly beaten a lot less than I actually played

But I don't really care. I seldomly aimed for beating a game. Sure I've tried

The last thing I've beaten was the complete Mass Effect series.
That was a really cool series where I wanted to see the end.

(no discussion about the ending implied)

Most games become boring for me sooner or later at some point. They become repetetive or the levels become boring.

One really old game I'd like to finish is "the incredible machine". Loved that one back then in the good ol' times. One of the best games I've ever played.

Or Pushover. Kinda cute. Liked the music back then on my Soundblaster 8 bit mono

or the good ol' Rock 'n Roll for Amiga. man I loved this one as a little kid. Great game, loved the music, too. An awesome game but never finished it. I have it for PC but it sux. hate the 16 colors and the pc squeaker sounds. bah. nightmare. Amiga was sooo much better in so many games and I had a couple of hundreds as a little kid. I miss the amiga

That's prolly the reason I've never finished lots of games when I think of it. A friend of my father was a millionaire and we got all the games. So if I was bored or I didn't was able to finish a game, I simply tried another one.

edit: HA! I remember the really first game I've beaten. Yea there might be some learning school games b4 but I mean a real game: Double Dragon III on the Amiga 500. Played it in 2p with my dad but beaten it alone

my, the ending sucked. I was dunno 7 or 8 years old or so and didn't speak a single word english and all I got was some text blabla. Kinda disappointing.

but one thing I absolutely have to finish... almost #1 priority:

my killer song in Beat Hazard on suicidal difficulty. I'll prolly never get this done. I was there once @95% or something like that but never got there again.

And this is drivin' me nuts =)

even more as a friend of mine beaten it relatively fast and easily... :/

Last edited by KrazeeXXL; 09-08-2012 at 05:20 AM.
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