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Old 05-03-2012, 08:03 PM   #2
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Gonna copy-paste my comment from Destructoid

As much as I adore Brian Fargo for both Wasteland and original Fallouts, Im gonna say no. He got the Wasteland license many years ago (2003 apparently) and only now he's found a way to bring it back? By fans expense? He did hint about it in 2007, but nothing came out of that. He hasn't even bothered to get in resale for places like GOG or make it freeware.

Either he hasn't found the right publisher, his ideas are so bland that no one's interested or he hasn't even tried.
I say Brian is trying to cash his nostalgia-check.

Maybe he should ask money from the No Mutants Allowed community. Im sure they'd love to pay Brian to develop what they'd call "A true Fallout sequel" (BLEH!).

This was also posted on Destructoid by a new user

As a former inXile employee I can tell you don't hold your breath for anything special. While the team has some very talented and hardworking people on it, their management and organizational skills are poor and worse of all they have poor game design decisions. I can't tell you how many times someone on design would come up with a really good idea, only to have it crushed by the managing staff cause it didn't fit their narrow minded view of what the game should be or they just didn't want to spend the time developing the idea when there was already something similar being developed, regardless of whether it was a good idea or not. They've been trying to pitch a Wasteland game for years. I helped work on a pitch to Bethesda who laughed in our faces when we mentioned it at all.
As for the Tim Schafers Kickstarter, good for him that he's getting what he asked, but I really dont want every developer to start asking their fans to pay for their projects. And Tim asked for 400k, but Brian wants a million? That doesnt sound good.
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