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Old 24-01-2012, 04:49 AM   #3325
Eagle of Fire
Friendly Fire
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I have never understood why so many people have trouble with the Chrysalids. That particular terror unit is ranked quite low in my "scary list" in this game. Its long range attack is somewhere between completely useless and impractical and the AI is so weak that it usually simply run in circle without really attacking you, even after seemingly charging you.

As long as you don't rush your team in then you are fine.

To answer your question, Chrysalids are all but invulnerable to anything. They do however have a hefty amount of HP and TU to spare and their melee attack are deadly. Do the math. They are also actually very vulnerable to fire. And it is also amusing to see them run in terror as they try to put themselves out.

The first thing which you should reconsider is using very heavy weapons like bazookas. It is bulky, weight a ton and a half and you need to spend a lot of the small amount of TU you have left to reload... Which usually mean a rate of fire of about one shot every two turns. That's more than pathetic considering that once you get anything even slightly more powerful than your starting riffles you can punch thru about any building in one shot. Heck, even the heavy cannon and the autocannon can punch thru a wall without much of a problem. Not to mention grenades.

Against Chrysalids, you need to keep your distances. So stay far, stay alert and use reaction fire to gun them down. Even if you only hit the thing once, a single injury can lower its total TU enough to prevent it from hitting you in its turn (if it ever get close) and then simply concentrate enough firepower in its direction to gun it down as they try to approach you.

If you do night missions then you should always have as many light sources as you have squaddies. That's a very basic rule to follow, especially since the vast majority of the Aliens see further than you in plain daylight... And they see even better than you in darkness, considering your squaddies see next to nothing in complete darkness. So keep those light sticks handy and use them liberally.

What I usually do in the beginning of the game is use one or two heavy cannons, two autocannons and the rest of my squad use riffles. With a total number of squaddies of 12 if I remember well. I don't use tanks for several reasons which are not important here. The number 12 is handy since I can make 3 squads of 4 squaddies each. Having squads which back each other back is quite important in this game since a soldier still have his chances at hitting an enemy from the other side of the map even if it is out of sight. Spot an enemy, concentrate your fire on it and gun it down. Squads should move in echelon or two by two to cover each other: always have at least two of them ready to return reaction fire. You move slower this way but you also reduce your chances of losing squaddies by a lot.

Simply make sure you have enough squaddies to replace wounded/dead soldiers and you're in business. Add new and stronger weapons as they get available. And try to research the first armor ASAP. Once you have armor, make sure all your squaddies carries medikits.

... I guess that would be enough for now.
Good luck.

do MIA agents ever show up? That could have been a nice little feature.
Nope. They are lost forever.
anyways onto cydonia and then the deep sea... I looked into UFO 2000 but was disapointed by the asthetic.
Cydonia is the end of UFO... And the deep sea is TtdD. I'm not sure I understand why you mention them. Already moving from one to the other?

UFO 2000 is simply a clone which primarily aim is to allow multiplayer play. I don't really like it either and I don't mean only the graphics.
I'm on a hot streak... Literally.
Proud member of The Abandoned since 2005.
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