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Old 25-10-2011, 09:35 AM   #4
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Praha, Czech Republic
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I've no problem with this thread becoming a place to discuss the social media phenomenon, go for gold guys

RSS, I'd like to be very clear on one point though - The AB network (in particular facebook and twitter) are by no means meant to replace the forums, it's a means of communicating with people, who for whatever reason, have no urge to register on site, or who have but don't visit regularly. It's an extension of of what we do, and it's probably better to think of it in terms of site advertising.

For every "hardcore" dos fan that joins and is active on our site, there are hundreds more who visit now and then just to pick up games etc. They are more likely to check their social networks daily than they are our front page.

I am very interested in any ideas you guys have for implementing this better
I have vestigial adventure elements
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