Thread: Dark Legions
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Old 21-07-2011, 05:38 PM   #16

DLegions was a fantastic and underrated game. I owned it years ago and literally played it until the manual fell apart. Hell, even the copy protection system was moderately interesting.

This was IMO the evolutionary predecessor to games such as Defense of the Ancients, Leauge of Legends, Hero's of Newerth, ie MOBA games. Frankly the graphics and sound have aged very nicely and the atmosphere is still fantastic. I would have kicked a 12 year old off his 10 speed bike for a sequel.

The author is right, if there were an online version of this game with some automatic matchmaking it would be VERY popular. Great game, too bad it had to compete for a niche with titles like C&C and WC.

Also, how are you supposed to control the characters during tactical combat with the keyboard? Manual doesn't say.
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