Thread: Horror Games
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Old 30-07-2010, 01:28 PM   #15
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Phantasmagoria 2: a puzzle of flesh.
It is a nice-enough horro-adventure IF you don't want to find every nitty-bitty video, because I feel then the thing goes collapsed. Rly. Just no sense in the middle of a workday to go home to look into your mirror to see a screen - appart from playing this the hundreds time looking for collecting every video. As it is made with living characters, not drawn-one.

But I'd stay away from Phantasmagoria 1, as that bored me to death. It bores me so much I gladly finish it at the point of the third disc, as that disc no longer works for me

I know another "failed attempt": Necronomicon - dawn of darkness.
That game rly had good graphic and Lovecraftian visuals. Too bad that solving the puzzles for real is almost impossible (one of the hardest even has absolutly no clue), but using the trial-and-error method 99% of the puzzles can be solved in 3 seconds (except for the one I just mentioned, that requires an awful amount of time to solve without a walkthrough).

For the end: although in it you use a gun besides the flaslight, Blair Witch Project: Rustin Parr was totally awesome for me. It was like in feeling (but not in controll) Alone in the Dark in first-person view, the visuals are good, and the puzzles are decent (for my standard anyway). The only hardpoint of this was the very last thing: to run from the demon - I almost always die there taking the wrong way
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