Thread: Dungeon Keeper
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Old 07-06-2010, 10:59 AM   #7
10 GOSUB Abandonia
20 GOTO 10
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Var, Hungary
Posts: 1,712

There are some bugs associated to this game.

First, in big fights the game can slow down a LOT, especially if you fight in the FPS-mode.
Also the game seem to freeze down and/or quit regularly, so save periodicly to avoid any losses.

The transfer creature special only works, if you start the next level IMMEDIATELLY AFTER you used that special in a certain level. This means you may not load another game, or quit the program.

On the Moon-level a "barbarian" is promised to you, but never appears. I don't know if there is a connection to this, but I finished the Moon-level after the 6th scenario, and on the 7th I got as one of the first arriving creature an ork (at the end it was L10, and as I never put him into the training-room, can be it arrived like that), who gave me immediatelly the ability to build barrack.

Also on the first bonus-level it is promised to you to transfer a creature. Sadly that seems not possible by either way winning the level (it offers two alternative solution).

The Horned Reaper and Vampire sacrifises do not work properly (nothing happens except the words "the gods are angry" appearing).

The intro-outro narration from level 6 to level 19 is slipped. L6's ending can be listened at the end of L7, L7's at L8, ..., L19 at L6.

When a vampire of yours die, then returns (natural ability of the vampire above level 3 to resurrect itself on the cost of loosing a level), your "original" vampire is technically dead for good. So if you have a "resurrect creature" special item, you can immediatelly have a L9 and a L10 vampire!

Last edited by twillight; 09-06-2010 at 08:08 PM. Reason: more bug mentioned
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