Thread: Dungeon Keeper
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Old 04-06-2010, 07:13 PM   #6
10 GOSUB Abandonia
20 GOTO 10
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Var, Hungary
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There are helluva more easter-eggs out there for this game. Let me start to expand the list already given here:

1) Greets II :: Start the game with the command parameter -alex. While playing, press and hold down both Shift keys and type JLW.

2) Birthday Wishes
jan. 13: Mark Healey
marc. 21: Jonty Barnes
may. 3: Simon Carter
may. 5: Peter Molyneux
nov. 13: Alex Peters
dec. 1: Dene Carter
If a birthday and a full moon falls on the same day, the birthday-wish doesn't appear.

3) Multi-player mode vs. CPU
Start the game with the "-1player" command line parameter to play against the CPU in multi-player mode..

4) All creatures, buildings, and traps Type please give all at the main menu. (seems to be red herring)

5) Cheat mode
Use the spell to transfer yourself into one of your minions during game play in the dungeon. Press [F12] while in the minion to display the cheat menu. Use the mouse to highlight a cheat. Alternatively, use the spell to transfer yourself into one of your minions during game play in the dungeon and press [F11]. The screen will flash to confirm correct code entry. To use a creature's spells, press [Keypad Enter] and select a spell. Additionally, press [Keypad Enter] at the main screen during game play for another cheat menu. Unlimited free creatures can be created by using the "Place Creature Mode" option. (seems to be red herring)

6) Play the game on a Full Moon (depends on your computer's clock). A hidden level will show up on your world-map! (this level can not be completed in my version, so I strongly wait for the game being abandonedware).

7) Hidden screen
Finish the 7th scenario with the enemy "Lord of the Land" imprisoned / tortured (must be alive, unconverted).

8) Don't forget to plug in and activate your printer. A higher being is watching your every move! (It seems disabled in the gold-version. The messages aquired on level 9, 14 and 20. You can read them in the level-files directly with a notepad.)

9) hidden levels and things
These can be aquired through finding miscaleanes while playing. The hidden levels can be played anytime after the bonus is found, and they can be used more then once.
- there is transfer creature on map 4, 7-16 (but after level 9 you can just use the bonus levels for this purpose)
- there is a hidden level bonus on map 8, NE-corner
- there is a hidden level bonus on map 9, at the end of the "labyrinth" that leads from the west part of the map to north. The room it is in, is very heavily trapped.
- there is a hidden level bonus on map 15, in the center of the area. Need bridge to aquire it.
- there is a hidden level bonus on map 17, at the south.

10) sacrifisal-system:
- imp: -x$ cost per new imps.
- troll + dark mistress + bile demon: horned reaper
- 2 bile demon: all your units turn to chicken
- chicken: most of your chickens blow up
- horned reaper: „the gods ar angry” (all your creatures become angry, but the function doesn't seem to work)
- Gold: Try it and see
- 3 spider: bile demon
- ghost: all your chicken die
- vampire: „the gods are angry” (all your creatures become diseased, but the function doesn't seem to work)
- fly + spider: warlock
- 2 flies: research finished imediatelly
- 2 beetle: manufacture finished immediatelly
- beetle + spider: dark mistress

11) Run the game without CD:
Edit the INSTALL_PATH in the KEEPER.CFG to point to the game directory. If, for example, you installed the game to C:\KEEPER, that's what the INSTALL_PATH should read.

12) To send harassments, press ALT + F1 to F8 keys. (F6 doesn't seem to work)

13) To get a hidden message from Jonty Barnes in the game, you must get a Hatchery, a Temple and the Chicken spell. First, sacrifice more than 16 chickens into the Temple pool. Then, point your mouse cursor over the Chicken spell to show its tooltip box and have fun reading.

14) febr 29: the game can not be runned (depends on version)

15) First, grab a chicken drop it in your treasure room. Pick it up and drop it in your lair. Pick it up once again and drop it in your training room. Pick it up again and put it in your hatchery. Pick the SAME one up and place it in your library. Now it is invincible. Put it as close to lava as you can get and let it wander in. If it doesn't, then get another and do the stuff over again. Now, smack it (don't worry, it is totally invicible). After doing this, posess it. It is your invincible, super powered chicken. Now you can control it around, and it has lots of randomly generated abilities. (seems to be red herring)

16) There's nothing like a whole coven of those vixens getting whipped at the same time, I'm telling you! (The game will actually tell you "Stop that, you'll go blind!" if you leave the cursor over the "occupied" torture chamber for too long.) (I remember this working, but I could not reproduce it in the gold-version - and I've deleted the other)

Last edited by twillight; 11-06-2010 at 07:40 AM. Reason: more easter-egg added
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