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Old 01-10-2009, 01:16 PM   #7
10 GOSUB Abandonia
20 GOTO 10
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Praha, Czech Republic
Posts: 3,273

There he sits, far below the surface in the bowels of the earth. Deep within the dank and festering cave known to those few who dare speak it's name as The Basement Parentes.

"Limitless IP's, LIMITLESS!" he cackles to himself repeatedly, as he mashes the keyboard with his tumescent and filth encrusted fingers.

"The Internet must know what I think about Settlers 2 Gold!" he squeals, his voice rising like the scream of a dying pig. His brow begins to sweat. In the corner of his dark hovel a phalanx of collectible anime figurines stare forlornly down at him from a shelf - they are doomed to watch this fetid tableaux for all eternity.


Far, far above the sun is shining. The leaves are turning to rich reds and orange in the Autumn air. Lovers walk arm in arm in the park talking sweetness to one another. A dog bounds across the lawn chasing a bright blue ball. The world keeps happily turning.
I have vestigial adventure elements
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