Thread: Wrath of Earth
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Old 15-07-2009, 10:19 PM   #33
Dave Faller
Default So, I've been getting a bit distracted...

...and wondered if I could reverse engineer the game code and the data files, partly to keep those old gray cells working and partly just for the fun of it.

Anyway, I have managed to get some information about the game data!

OK, there's three main files, the executable (woe.exe) and two data files (woe.lib and woe.rsc).

woe.lib is very straightforward - it contains raw indexed colour image data for the walls and doors. Each graphic is a 64x64 pixel image or four 64x16 pixel images in one 64x64 block. There's 1360 tiles in all. There is no palette information in the file but you could get that data from a screen grab. Images are stored column wise, i.e. pixel (0,0) is followed by (0,1) then (0,2), (0,3)...(0,63), (1,0), (1,1), etc.

woe.rsc is a bit more complex. The file is a just a collection of files, a bit like a zip archive but without any compression. The number of files contained in the woe.rsc is given by the first word in the file. There follows from this an array of file information. The first dword in each record is the size of the data file. The second dword is ignored. The third dword is the absolute position in the woe.rsc file of the start of the data file and after that there is a zero terminated filename. The record is padded to 25 bytes long.

Once you've extracted all the data files, you'll have 309 data files. Of those 309, I've deduced the following:

Files with the extensions .fst, .spc and .smp are audio files. The format for these is 11Khz 8bit mono PCM. The .fst are footstep sounds, the .spc are the speech files and the .smp are general sound effects. There's also some .drv files and a snd.bin file which I think are the midi code/data. credits.bin and endgame.bin are RLE compressed data for the credits and endgame scrolling text, I'm not sure of the exact format. There's a bunch of PCX image files (H4.pcx is the one you might want to modify!).

I think the level data is in the 000 to 00b files - there were twelve levels in all.

There's also an RLE compressed set of images somewhere for all the sprites in the game.

The only other file type I can remember are the animation files - these were a modified FLC compressed format that double buffered the compression (so the image deltas were between even and odd frames).

Lastly, the order the files appear in the .rsc is important.

So, Firgof, you should be able to grab some of the original image data for your project.
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