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Old 23-06-2009, 09:51 PM   #9
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OK I will, but it will have to wait for some things to be done first... You can check if you know something I forgot, because it's been a while since I last played--I think I'll replay it a bit.

The initial trails are usually enough to get you started. Sometimes you get bad luck and by the time you get more clues the organizers are in hiding and you're short of time. So you have to go though with it and wait for the next mission to get a good score. But when you're not unlucky time is usually enough if you don't screw up and know what you're doing. Once you get wise to the plot you can buy yourself as much time as you want.

About turning agents, in every case it's a matter of probability that you'll be able to turn some of them. Having the opportunity to turn all of them is a lucky occurrence, but not a rare one actually. If you're playing a full career, and you know all the tricks and don't screw over, you should get the opportunity to get that perfect score more than once.

Sorry no time to write more today, but I'll write that guide.

This is what you get with the maximum score. A rather irregular lot might I say...

Life starts every day anew. Prospects not so good...

Last edited by Japo; 05-07-2009 at 01:38 PM.
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