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Old 13-05-2009, 03:57 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by gregor View Post
I never had vista or worked with it. but i know from various threads in various forums that Vista had a bigg issue with older programes written either for Win98 or XP (such as for example games). It also had issues with new programes like some antivirus and firewalls.

as for explorer... heh, haven't used that one in a while...

Still the minute i heard that WIn7 will have a backwards compatibility mode i knew the system will likely be more successful than Vista.
You're really not making much sense here.

For starters, Win7 supports the SAME software as Vista because it IS essentially Vista. The compatibility mode was meant to imply this. It won't suddenly run 16 bit software because that's simply not possible.

Also, please don't make posts based on "what you heard", especially when what you heard if either wrong or inaccurate. For an OS that moved to 64 bit and that has major changes compared to XP, it's quite amazing how 95% of all previous software still works.

What doesn't work? Software that uses specific functions of XP i.e. older versions of Daemon Tools, Anti Virus scans, etc. Well duh. It's a new OS - what do you expect?

What DOES work: just about every game released after 1997 that isn't 16 bit (64 bit only then). Since I installed Vista two years ago, I have tested over 400 games and of those 400, only 5-10 didn't work for me:

- Fahrenheit: the setup tries to detect DX9 but since Vista uses DX10, it fails. The fault lies with a badly written setup program. Solution: download the American version (Indigo Prophecy) or buy it on Steam

- Beyond Good & Evil: Tages doesn't have compatible 64 bit drivers yet. Fault lies with Tages, the copy protection. Solution: buy on Steam or any other digital copy without Tages

- Black Moon Chronicles: doesn't work in Windows XP either so I'll let this one off the hook.

- Silent Storm: I forgot what caused it but it worked for some people and not for others. Apparently this is a problem with video card drivers so again, not Vista itself.

So as you can see, most games that don't work, don't because they rely on things besides Vista itself. Copy protection drivers are the main reason - Tages and Starforce both run into trouble with older games but really, I think only a fool would complaing about poor compatibility considering ...

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