Thread: Wrath of Earth
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Old 10-05-2009, 07:46 AM   #30
Vodka-Induced Entertainment
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Originally Posted by Dave Faller View Post
Even if I did know the format of the RSC/LIB files, it probably wouldn't really help. The level data was significantly different to Wolf3Ds. Although both games fundamentally used the same system*, a grid based level where each square was either a wall or open space, WoE levels had far more data in them than Wolf3D. For starters, Wolf3D could only have one texture on any wall with the N/S sides brighter than E/W, WoE could have any texture on each face. Also, WoE could have quarter-blocks (columns) and 45 degree walls/doors. There was also ceiling/floor texture and upper wall texture (the bit at the top of the wall when looking at buildings from outside. And there was also temperature, radiation, light and footstep sound information on each block. Levels did take a while to build!
You should have seen me try something similar for the Wolf engine (ignoring footstep sounds). 8 planes (four times the original) does not tend to agree with the 16-bit, limited memory model Wolf engine. Then, of course, there was the fact that WDC, the only editor that actually supported more than 3 planes, had a bug that stopped it from saving anything over about 5 planes. So, yeah, that failed. But it could probably be done, just with a change in the output format. Hence 'wangle'.

* My first iteration of the rendering engine was visually identical to Wolf3D because I reverse engineered the Wolf3D code using a nifty debugger called SoftIce. I subsequently improved the renderer, fixing the 45 degree error Wolf3D has (position yourself correctly and one pixel wide vertical strip of the wall will appear twice as far away as it should be - yeah, I fixed a John Carmack bug!).
I knew it had a hidden relationship in there somewhere.

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