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Old 01-01-2009, 02:00 AM   #24
Forum hobbit

Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Alma, United States
Posts: 36
Default Conqueror: A.D. 1086

Okay, this game was one I Lost when I loaned some CDs to someone, never got it back (lost the other game I was searching for in a previous thread at the same time)

What I remember is you were a knight I believe, you had first person jousts, you could also practice against a windmill. I think you could go into first person RPG style while invading a castle, and I *think* you might have been trying to defeat a dragon ultimately. There were also 'tournaments' in which the jousts were one of the games, I think you also had 'melee' where you fought on foot or something.

The title had a number in it something like 1402AD but I keep getting the sailing game (which is 1602 AD and I have too) mixed up, so I can't remember the title (knowing my luck that IS the title) I think it also had a subtitle, but not sure what.

Does anyone know this game, and is it available as abandonware?
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