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Old 05-11-2008, 04:08 PM   #2
Game freak

Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Calgary, Canada
Posts: 105

Obama might make a popular leader of the EU (given how europeans answered polls). As the US president, he leaves much to be desired.

He cannot even keep half of his promises. He was swept into power as a secular messianic figure, but as president, he will be revealed as merely human.

Except for refusing to burden abortionists with caring for infants that survive abortion, he has made no principled stand as a legislator, and has often merely voted 'present', during roll call votes. Before being elected president, his two greatest accomplishments were two autobiographies-- as a legislator, he has done barely anything.

For his social programs, he would need to borrow vast billions of dollars, as the president of a country that owes over 9 trillion dollars, in federal debt, or increase taxes to crushing levels (and we all know how well that worked for the postwar United Kingdom).

Once Obama grasps the full horror of the credit crisis, he will probably wish that he lost. Every president since Carter has been trying to postpone the economic meltdown of the US due to the gross imbalance of trade, and the exploding federal debt past the next election. With the burst bubble of the US real estate market and the credit crunch making it difficult for anyone to borrow money, the US federal government has to sell (not counting Wallstreet bailout packages) a trillion dollars of debt instruments that only have a yield of 1.5%. As voters are, as a group, hampered by short memories, if the financial disaster finally comes to a head while the democrats control the presidency and both houses of congress, the democrats will bear the full blame (they will have no cause for complaint, as those same voters allowed the democrats to blame Bush for the housing bubble, caused by Clinton and democratic politicians).

Obama has promised to tax the rich to help the poor. He will either do nothing, or people who thought that they were poor will discover that they are not only not poor enough to receive help, but rich enough to pay more taxes.

I ticked the box for McCain, as there was no box for 'Not Obama'
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