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Old 20-10-2008, 07:22 PM   #14
Game freak

Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Alligator Point, United States
Posts: 121


You annoy God, Allah, and all the other big boys up high by your incessant farting. You've stunk up the heavens with your internal combustibles for the last time, mister! Someone, you don't know who, places their big boot on your backside and pushes you out of heaven.

You fall, and fall, and fall, with no ground in sight. So long do you fall, that you eventually get hungry enough to eat a horse. Unfortunately, there are no horses.

Your choices:
1. You gnaw off your left arm. You're bleeding badly, but you're not hungry any more. With the ground just in sight, you decide to take a much needed post-lunch nap (partly brought on by the loss of blood), and zonk out.
2. You remember your days in midevil boy scouts, where they taught you to suck on rocks to stave off hunger. Looking in your pouch you don't have any rocks. Or do you?
3. You don't eat. Instead, you, lacking nutrients to survive, pass into a deep sleep, never to awaken again. After falling for a few millennia, you are picked up by a band of maurading body snatchers, who reanimate your body and use it for nasty puppet shows.
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