Thread: Top 5 Games
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Old 30-03-2008, 04:57 PM   #7

Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Aarhus, Denmark
Posts: 11

Originally Posted by Panthro View Post
Far too tough to pick out 5 games... I could give you my 5 fave adventure games, my 5 fave sim/management games, my 5 fave SNES games etc. etc. but best 5 overall?? Every time I put it at 5 I miss out some that should be mentioned...

This is also why I cant say what my favourite films of all time are.
This is the exact reason, that making top 5's is such great fun. It's hard and it forces you to make tough decisions.

Why, for that matter, is it so much easier making genre- or platform-specific top 5's? You are faced with the same tough choices and you would surely feel that you would be leaving out a lot this way as well.

Is it because it is easier to compare within the confines of one genre or platform? This argument doesn't hold in my opinion. If you make a top 5 SNES Games you are faced with choosing between games from many genres and if you make a top 5 simulation games you will have to choose between games from different platforms.
In other words - choosing between games from different genres and platforms is possible according to the view that you defend.
Making an overall top 5 is the same on a larger scale - and hence much more fun.

(And why in the world can't you make a movie top 5? I always have mine at the ready)

Originally Posted by gufu1992 View Post
I don't like the entire "X top games of Y". it doesn't work well. Do we count console games? PC? Arcades? Board games FFS?You can't really make top 5, because your tastes will change - you may like this game more than that one today, and differently tommorow.
So make one top 5 today and another one tomorrow. I didn't ask for a "top 5 that must never be changed, but must be written in stone and placed upon your forehead for all to see". Of course your taste will change, and you obviously do not know what it will be like in 10 years, which is why I meant your top 5 right now.

As for which game platforms to include - it's entirely up to you. However as it is an overall top 5, I would think it obvious to at least include consoles (and probably arcade games as well). I don't know why you would want to include board games - but if you want to - knock yourself out.
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