Thread: Barbarian
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Old 14-10-2007, 07:52 AM   #45

Yeah, I played this game on my Amiga about 20 years ago...LOL

Anyway, the trap-door archer, just run and flip over his arrow (takes precise timing, but you can do it!)

The dragon - run and flip....

I remember the worst part being a spinning hammer, that took brutally precise timing... but that was just me.

I think, if I remember correctly, you are supposed to drop the ball off the cliff - then go all the way back to the start?

I could be wrong.

Anyway, one fun thing in this game is the 'runaway' command - it's hillarious! he makes this little 'help' scream then runs for the hills with both hands in front of him, like an old mummy in an even older horror film.

And this emoticon fits perfectly, LOL
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