Thread: Multilingual?
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Old 25-08-2007, 03:26 PM   #64
The Peacemaker
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my dad speaks one of the languages. its QUITE simmilar to hungarian[/b]
Yea, QUITE. Sure as hell sounds like almost Hungarian, that ugrofin languages. But the writing is dead different. Well, somethings gotta give.

A rare find! mostly Hungarians speak German if you can actually find any that speak a foreign language[/b]
Yea, sad but true. Hungarian people are stupid as stones when it comes to foreign relations. Most of them anyway. The older generation tends to be mistrustful or even hostile towards foreign people. Given our restless history, this is not a surprise. When it comes to diplomacy or foreign relations, our country made all the wrong choices in the past Both WWs, before and after them...look it up if want to know the whole deal. So a great deal of people here are rock-headed nationalists, who think that all the foreign people who come to visit want to take our country away, or whats left of it anyway. There are continuos internal battles with the minorities, mostly the gypsies, and people are always complaining about everything. Now the political situation is even worse, with the two main parties clearly at war with each other, and the country going to pieces in the process.

So it is true, that people here don't learn foreign languages that much, only the younger generation. But aside the fact that they do speak languages, it doesn't mean they want to either. So, I'm ashamed for all my people because of this. Hungary is not what it used to be, and I'm not the one who can change it either
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