Thread: Mom Problem....
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Old 15-08-2007, 11:37 PM   #1

hello, i recently downloaded Master of magic. At first I run the game directly from windows XP without VDM DOSbox or anything and it seemed to work fine altough i didnt play it. Then I configured the sound and run the game with VDM but when I tried to do so it said my I lacked 16 bits of memory. Funny the game needed 583k and i lacked only 16. Anyway I installed Dosbox and run the game on it and everyhting seemed to go fine, the sound and all. However when I played it everything was incredibly slow. I mean when i clicked on something it takes a few seconds for the sign or whatever to appear. Its terribly annoying.

What is the problem and how could I solve it?

Thanks, Elwin
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