Thread: Halo 2
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Old 18-06-2007, 02:30 AM   #13
Game Wizzard

Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Iowa City, United States
Posts: 290

Off-topic: Where are you from in Iowa?[/b]
Nowhere, I don't live there. And if you really want to know why I chose my username, check my profile, the picture should give you a hint.

What about the Call of Duty series? [/b]
Nope, not realistic, although it tries to be and makes a decent effort at doing so, in the end it fails like every other "realistic" game. I prefer games that don't try to be realistic, because I think they tend to be more fun.

Halo 2 itself is a fine game, but the online community, like very other single X-Box Live game, is a cess pool of idiotic morons who not only don't know how to play a game correctly, but posses the brains of slugs.

They seriously need to make X-Box Live payable by a bank card or credit/debit card only or whatever, as too many kids can just buy the damn cards from the store and play online. Little morons, I'd like to shovel my fist into their faces for every time I've heard the damn N-word online.[/b]
Meh, although I disagree about Halo 2 being a "fine game", you're right about Xbox Live. Although I doubt putting it on a charge-card only system would work either, seeing as the little bastards could just ask their mom or dad to register them and be back up spreading white supremacy through high-pitched squeals. But think about it Piggy, if you got your wish, you'd have broken every bone in your fist from shoveling it into so many twelve-year-olds' faces.

Yeah, the online community in pretty much every game (*cough* Counterstrike *cough*) sucks. It's just a proven fact that if you give people anonymity, they'll become total jerks.
I did it for the lulz!
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