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Old 08-06-2007, 01:25 AM   #17

Join Date: Jun 2007
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Posts: 13

I don't have anything against the Reloaded crew. I just would not call them 'good', or 'working', as they don't seem to do anything here.

Personally, I think Reloaded is a bit shitty. I have been a surfer of sites about free games for god knows how long. I try to follow every site, old as well as new. I have never seen a site with the same crap games-good games ratio as Reloaded, however. Seeing the screenshots and reading the reviews, when they are readable, as alot resemble a permutation of books with such titles as 'Duckie goes to the pond' and there does not seem to be any effort or care put in the information put there. I mean, the site has a general feeling of not screening the games thoroughly, and each game has the potential of having a fatal bug that makes it impossible to finish. Last, I cannot help but notice that the last couple of games added to Reloaded were added really close to each other on another site as well. Do you go through other sites' archives and take their games, or does Reloaded try to get new, original games that no other site has? These last updates more give a monkey see monkey take impression instead of a treasure hunt, which is what all the other freeware sites radiate.

Kon Tiki, if he even exists, as the memberlist does not list him, sounds odd. He is called a good member, yet you say he sabotaged the site. If he is the same person as I think he is, he now runs the Freehare, and seems like a nice enough fellow on there. What exactly happened on here then? He seems to have a bit of a temper, but also seems that it always stays with words, but the actions during his temper lead to solutions. That is what you can gather from his forums and that box with messages, anyways. I can't imagine a person like him sabotaging a site he is called a good member on. Can you explain what happened? Or is it another person than the one I saw? He has never mentioned anything about it on his forums, and I don't know him personally so cannot ask him.

Also, who is Overlords and what happened to him? The memberlist does not show him either.
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