Thread: 300
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Old 27-03-2007, 01:33 PM   #28
The Peacemaker
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What's with the sudden freaking out on violence in movies? Movies nowdays does not have any more violence than before, moreover has less than before, only more visual, more real. Just think back to the "classic" B cat. action and horror movies of the 90's. Those things were all over the place, in fact those were almost the only movies around that time. And we watched those films as kids or teenagers. We watched gallons of blood and guts spilling all over the place, with mutilated people crying and yelling for help in anguish, while some maniac with huge machine guns slaughtering them, laughing hysterically while his fingers cramped on the trigger, spitting away the seemingly unlimited ammo of certain doom. But those films were barely believable, with all those "effects". Even as kids we knew that it is fiction, and not real. We grew up on those films, and here we are. Not maniacs, not serial killers, not social trainwrecks, but normal people. I don't get it why you guys think that kids cannot decide what is real and what is not. Think back to your own childhood. heh..

On another account, if you want to see historical things, go watch Discovery Channel or something like that. 300 is a fairytale, nothing more. If you ever studied history in school, you should know that. It's a good composition of historical background and modern animation, tho I doubt the historical background part. Not because it's not according to the history books, but I don't think the battle of Thermopylae went like that at all. You know, legends tend to exaggerate at times
The Master of Light and Darkness

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