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Old 26-03-2007, 11:27 AM   #3

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Posts: 2

you mean the zip file you open just shows a screensaver?
Where did you download the game from? Abandonia?
Well I just re-downloaded it to make sure it's good and yeah. Anyway, if you downloaded it from abandonia (XP version), extract it to some folder and just open one of the two exes, "UFO defense.exe" or "UFO.exe". I don't know neither's difference, but on mine only UFO.exe works.
If on your computer when going to any missions the game gives an error and closes, you'll have to go for the DOS version, which's link can be found at the bottom of the page of UFO:Enemy unknown. After that you'll need
the DOSBox emulator, which is found here:

This version is the latest, which I used for a while, but for me, it doesn't provide any sound for me (a bug or something on my computer, dunno|), so a while ago I changed to version .65 .

Link to downloade DOSBox 0.65:

Which on my computer the sound works fine.

So, say you extract the DOS version of the game to C:\UFO , after installing DOSBox, you should add some lines to the config, just to ease it's use.

(You can skip this part and have everything done manually when you start dosbox, but it's boring and I'm lazy :P)

To access it go to start menu, all programs, DOSBox-0.65(or 0.70), and click on the dosbox.conf . Then, head to the last part, see this:?

# Lines in this section will be run at startup.

Now here, you can input the commands you want dosbox to execute when it opens automatically, I got:

mount d d:\UFO\Xcom

Mount so the drive becomes "accessible", then it'll do d: to the FOLDER it is mounted to. SO if you do dir while on drive d: you'll see the folder d:\UFO\Xcom! (Basically, it says the computer that dive d: is d:\UFO\Xcom) Then dosbox will execute the exe I use to play the game, "ufocd". I'm not very used to games having so many bats/exes, but it seems starting the game from either works, some exes/bats work, some others do not. Basically just try every one of them till you find one that works good! If you wanna remind yourself of some DOS commands:

To change folder: cd foldername
To go back one folder or directory: cd ..
To open an exe, bat, or similar: filename

That's all you need to know, I think.

UFO:Enemy unknown rules!

Btw, dunno about Master Magic! So far only tried this game...
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