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Old 22-12-2006, 05:32 PM   #9

Join Date: Dec 2006
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Posts: 20

The best RPG ever? :wallbash:

And you dare mention Diablo's name in the same sentence with Oblivion? First of all (and the most important), Oblivion is NOT an RPG, it's not even a game. Why? Because, as I said, and you failed to give any valid counter-arguments (except for the immature and ridiculous "I don't care what you think") to my statements, Oblivion does NOT have a story: check out Planescape: Torment and then pass judgments on the quality of a game's story. Oblivion does not have characters, merely pieces of graphics that lash out at you or speak whatever the script tells them, without keeping track of your actions (because of the dumb speech-craft game). Have you ever met the characters from Fallout, those realistic (yes, even the obviously fantastic creatures of Fallout have realistic personalities), flesh-and-blood characters that live their own lives, or at least try to present an engrossing simulation of it? Arcanum's characters? Some from Baldur's Gate? Those from Outcast, or the Ulitma series? Because those had personalities. Oblivion's do not. I can't even remember their names, let alone what each of them was about, or what agenda they were following (if they even had some agenda apart from walk around town, make stupid small talk, eat a piece of bread at an inn, go to sleep, then repeat a thousand times).

You said nothing to counter-argument my statement about Oblivion's quests: they are uninteresting, drawn-out, and often meaningless. Sure, you don't have to do all of them, but is that really what you want to find yourself doing in a game? Dropping a quest for it's sheer lack of originality, and trying real hard to forget all about it, just so your image of the game does not get damaged? That's called being blind to the weak parts of a product. And so you are obviously not being objective.

Try to really analyze the game, without the whole "OMG what shiny graphics" effect clouding your judgment, and then you'll see how its structure falls apart at the first touch of an objective analysis.

And what's all that about me scaring off people from Oblivion? I'm WARNING them, or at least giving them a second opinion. I thought that was the purpose of this topic, to give our OPINIONS about Oblivion?
Because otherwise the topic should be titled "Blatant praising of Oblivion without an ounce of criticism" or something...

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